Monday, January 31, 2011


Dated Released : 1992
Quality : VCDRip
Durasi : 97 menit
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Kadir, Doyok, Baby Zelvia
Genre : Comedy
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Kadir dan Doyok datang ke Jakarta untuk mencari kerja. Mereka terbentur berbagai masalah akibat dari ketidakmampuan mereka sendiri. Mulai dari gagal sebagai tukang sulap, lalu jadi "salesman", tukang cat, hingga tukang parkir. Sepupu Kadir, Rosa (Baby Zelvia), mencoba membantu mereka, tetapi tidak berhasil.


Dated Released : 2011
Quality : DVDRip
Info : - - -
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Michael Wayne Thomas , Loneta Edison
Genre : Drama | Comedy
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When three married men decide to step out on their marriages they get more than they bargained for. As each settle into lustful and emotional affairs with their mistresses, they soon find that infidelity has unpredictable and devastating consequences. Betrayal, hypocrisy, racism and several other matters surface as MARRIED MEN AND SINGLE WOMEN come

One of the Best: John Barry

John Barry has died and though his scores, heavy on strings and sentimentality, went out of style in the seventies and eighties during the John Williams-centered universe of movie scoring, which itself went out of style with the song-oriented and electronica scores of the nineties on, I always loved his music. In fact, his scores for You Only Live Twice and Somewhere in Time are two of my favorites.

He was my favorite movie composer and the list of his scores that are among the best ever scored is too long for this space. Just go to his Wikipedia entry and look at the impressive number of films he scored and then, if you can, find as many as are available and listen to them.

Rest in Peace, John Barry.


Dated Released : 11 Nopember 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Runtime : 96 minutes
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Yuen Wah, Chrissie Chau, Chin Siu Ho
Genre : Action | Horror
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Dated Released : 28 January 2011
Quality : [TS-Kualitas Masih Buruk]
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Mini Anden
Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller
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Orang mengenal Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) sebagai The Mechanic. Bukan karena apa tapi karena pria yang satu ini memang benar-benar profesional. Ia bekerja layaknya sebuah mesin yang tak kenal kata salah. Karena itu pula Arthur selalu menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya. Tapi itu semua berubah saat sebuah kejadian tragis menimpa Arthur.

Arthur adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang sangat berbakat. Membunuh bukan sekedar tugas buat Arthur tapi sudah seperti gaya hidup. Semua target berhasil dihabisi Arthur dan satu yang selalu dipegang Arthur adalah bahwa ia tak pernah melibatkan emosi, apa pun yang terjadi. Saat Harry (Donald Sutherland), guru sekaligus partner Arthur, terbunuh, hanya satu yang ada di kepala Arthur. Ia harus mencari siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kematian Harry.

Di saat yang sama, Steve (Ben Foster), putra Harry, tiba-tiba mendatangi Arthur dengan dendam yang sama. Steve memohon agar ia dilibatkan dan untuk pertama kalinya, Arthur bekerja dengan cara yang tak lazim. Ia sudah melibatkan emosi dan ia mulai mengajak orang yang tak berpengalaman dalam perburuan kali ini.



Dated Released : 5 November 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Runtime : 95 min
Starring : Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis, Jamie Foxx
Genre : Comedy
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Keinginan Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr) mungkin tak terlalu muluk-muluk namun adakalanya keinginan yang sederhana pun jadi sesuatu yang sangat rumit saat dijalankan. Akibatnya, bukan saja keinginan itu jadi terancam tak terpenuhi namun bisa saja ada orang tak bersalah yang harus jadi korban.

Peter hanya ingin pulang tepat waktu agar ia bisa berada di samping istrinya saat melahirkan nanti. Semua sudah diperhitungkan. Peter yakin akan tiba di rumah sebelum istrinya melahirkan. Tapi ada satu hal yang tak diperhitungkan Peter, bujuk rayu orang lain yang mengajaknya menempuh perjalanan darat dan bukannya menggunakan pesawat seperti yang direncanakan Peter.

Karena bujukan Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis), Peter terpaksa setuju menempuh perjalanan darat. Ternyata, perjalanan darat yang semula berpotensi jadi petualangan seru ini malah jadi malapetaka. Bukannya jadi perjalanan mulus yang menyenangkan tapi Ethan dan Peter malah menghadapi risiko tak bisa sampai ke Atlanta tepat pada waktunya. Padahal, keinginan Peter semula hanyalah bisa tiba di rumah sebelum istrinya melahirkan.


Sunday, January 30, 2011


Dated Released : 1 October 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder and Tony Todd
Genre : Action | Comedy | Horror | Thriller
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Picking up immediately where the first film ended, Marybeth (Danielle Harris) is attacked by Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder), but manages to escape. Jack Cracker (John Carl Buechler) finds her and pulls her out of the river, and takes her back to his cabin. After finding out her last name, he forces her to leave, telling her that if she wants help, she needs to see Reverend Zombie (Tony Todd). Moments after she leaves Jack is killed by Victor Crowley. Marybeth returns to Reverend Zombie's shop, and after demanding to speak with him, he reluctantly lets her in. After learning her last name, he tells her that her father was one of the boys responsible for causing the fire that killed Victor Crowley. He also tells her that Thomas, Victor's father, had an affair with his wife, Shyann's nurse, after Shyann was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Moments before dying, Shyann places a curse on the child conceived by Lena from the affair. Lena dies after giving birth to the deformed Victor Crowley. After Victor is killed in the fire, Thomas confronts the three boys responsible. Both they and their parents deny it. Thomas becomes a shut-in and eventually dies.

Marybeth tells him she wants to go back and retrieve the remains of her father and brother. He agrees, but tells her she must bring a family member with her. After she leaves, Zombie calls Justin (Parry Shen) and tells him his brother Shawn, the tour guide who was murdered the night before, never came back with the boat. He lies and says they are going into the swamp to find Shawn and the boat. He tells Justin to gather a group of hunters and a man named Trent (R.A. Mihailoff) to go with them. Marybeth returns home, where her uncle Bob (Tom Holland) later shows up. He tells her she needs to stay away from Reverend Zombie, but reluctantly goes with her to a recruitment meeting in Zombie's shop. Zombie tells the hunters that he will pay them $500 dollars each to retrieve his boat and $5,000 dollars for the head of Victor Crowley. He tells Trent that he will pay him double to go, and Trent agrees. The hunters leave and go into the swamp, including Marybeth and her uncle.

They find the boat and as the rest leave two of the hunters (Colton Dunn & Rick McCallum) stay by the boat. The others split up to find Victor. Marybeth, Zombie, Justin, Bob, and Trent go looking by Crowley's shed for the bodies. Along the way Zombie tells Justin that Trent, Bob and Marybeth's father were the kids who started the fire that killed Victor. He says that once Crowley kills Bob and Trent, his soul will leave the swamp. After finding the bodies in the shed, they check the main cabin. Meanwhile, the rest of the hunting party are killed off by Crowley. While searching the cabin, they hear Victor outside. While hiding, Justin tells Marybeth of Zombie's plot to get her uncle and Trent killed. She runs to warn Bob but Justin jams the door shut with a chair. Victor turns up behind him and kills him. Bob and the others attempt to get into the room. Victor breaks down the door, and Marybeth attempts to attack him but is tossed against the wall. Trent attempts to fight him, but is killed. Zombie grabs Marybeth and drags her out of the house against her will and traps Bob inside with Victor. Marybeth screams as she hears Bob murdered by Victor inside. She falls to the ground crying and Zombie declares Victor Crowley dead. Marybeth says she will go to the police. Zombie tells her she is wrong as he points his gun at her head. She tells him Bob wasn't her real uncle. Her father's brother died of leukemia when she was twelve. Victor breaks through the wall of the cabin and goes after Zombie, and kills him. Marybeth attacks Victor with a hatchet, knocking him to the ground and strike him repeatedly with the hatchet. She stops and walks off just as Victor's hand twitches. Marybeth returns and stands over him with a shotgun, yells "Fuck You!" and fires the gun into his head.



Dated Released : 1989
Quality : VCDRip
Produser : Raam Punjabi
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Kadir, Doyok, Ida Iasha, Ray Sahetapy
Genre : Comedy
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Pasangan muda Dewi dan Dewo (Ida Iasha, Ray Sahetapy) terpaksa kawin lari karena orangtua Dewi menginginkan anaknya kawin dengan orang kaya. Atas anjuran pembantu mereka, Doyok (Doyok Sudarmadji), Dewi menulis surat pada orangtuanya, bahwa mereka sudah kaya. Balasan orangtua: mereka mau datang. Maka paniklah Dewi dan Dewo. Pasangan muda ini kemudian berpura-pura menjadi kaya dan mengundang orangtua mereka. Untuk itu mereka ditolong oleh Kadir, seorang penunggu rumah mewah, dengan syarat hanya dua hari, karena rumah itu sudah ada yang mengontrak. Di sinilah banyolan disajikan. Kadir berpura-pura jadi suami, sementara Dewo jadi pelayan dan Doyok jadi satpam. Sandiwara ini terbongkar ketika pengontrak datang tapi tak boleh masuk, sementara ayah Dewi menemukan bukti pemilik rumah sebenarnya.



Dated Released : 15 October 2010
Quality : BDRip
Info :
Runtime : 108 min
Starring : Naomi Watts, Sean Penn, Sonya Davison
Genre : Action | Biography | Drama | Thriller
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Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keselamatan agen CIA dan keluarganya adalah kerahasiaan identitas mereka. Pada saat identitas seorang anggota CIA terungkap maka bisa dipastikan sudah tidak ada masa depan lagi buat agen CIA ini. Dan demi menutup aib negara, identitas Valerie Plame (Naomi Watts) harus terungkap.

Valerie adalah seorang agen CIA yang ditugaskan di Timur Tengah ini. Selama bertugas, tak ada yang tahu identitas asli dari agen CIA yang punya suami diplomat ini. Namun saat sang suami melakukan kesalahan, Gedung Putih dengan sengaja membocorkan identitas Valerie. Valerie hanyalah pion dan terpaksa harus dikorbankan demi keutuhan negara, atau setidaknya keselamatan sebagian orang penting dalam pemerintahan.

Joe Wilson (Sean Penn) adalah seorang diplomat yang ditugaskan untuk menyelidiki penjualan uranium dari Nigeria ke Irak yang bakal dijadikan alasan invasi ke negeri itu. Hasilnya, Joe tak menemukan adanya penjualan uranium namun sepertinya Gedung Putih sepertinya tak peduli dan tetap melaksanakan niat semula mereka. Joe lantas membawa informasi ini ke New York Times dan dalam waktu singkat kontroversi pun tercipta. Untuk menjatuhkan kredibilitas Joe, Gedung Putih dengan sengaja membocorkan identitas Valerie, istri Joe, dan menyebabkan pernikahan dan karier Valerie hancur berantakan.


Just Call Me Nobody 2010 DVDRiP | Cinema 21

Title : Just Call Me Nobody 2010 DVDRiP
Size : 300 MB
Info Movie
Genre :    Comedy
Director : Liu Minxiong
Star : -
Quality : DVDRIP

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Just Call Me Nobody 2010 DVDRiP  | Cinema 21 : The main character, acted by Xiao Shen Yang, is a shoemaker who goes from a martial-arts newbie to the number one expert. Zhao Benshan is a bandit, superior in martial arts but who is defeated by Xiao Shen Yang. Cheng Ye plays one of Zhao Benshan’s subordinates, whose successes are lacking and whose failures are abundant and who is often burdening Zhao Benshan. The other roles all revolve around Xiao Shen Yang. Kelly Lin plays an ordinary martial who thinks she’s a princess and likes Xiao Shen Yang. Eric Tsang is a blind, but an expert fencer who is in charge of protecting the princess. Chen Zhipeng is the rightful emperor, as well as Kelly Lin’s character’s fiancee and Xiao Shen Yang’s character’s rival-in-love. Xiao Xiao Bin acts out little Xiao Shen Yang, and Jacky Wu is an exceptional expert who lives at the bottom of a valley.

The Romantics 2010 DVDRiP | Cinema 21

Title : The Romantics 2010 DVDRiP
Size : 316 MB
Info : IMDB
Genres: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Director: Galt Niederhoffer
Writers: Galt Niederhoffer (novel), Galt Niederhoffer
Stars: Katie Holmes, Anna Paquin and Josh Duhamel
Quality : DVDRIP

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The Romantics 2010 DVDRiP  | Cinema 21 : Seven close friends reunite for the wedding of two of their friends. Problems arise because the bride and the maid of honor have had a long rivalry over the groom.

Psych:9 2010 BRRiP | Cinema 21

Title : Psych:9 2010 BRRiP
Size : 473 MB
Info : IMDB
Genres: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Director: Andrew Shortell
Writer: Lawrence Robinson
Stars: Sara Foster, Cary Elwes and Michael Biehn
Quality : DVDRIP
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Psych:9 2010 BRRiP | Cinema 21 : A young woman (Sara Foster) with a troubled past takes a job at recently closed down hospital. Working the night shift alone she begins to experience a series of unsettling events that lead her to believe that the hospital may be connected to a number of recent murders in the area. To uncover the truth she will have to revisit the past behind the walls of

Monsters 2010 BRRiP | Cinema 21

Title : Monsters 2010 BRRiP
Size : 349 MB
Info : IMDB
Genres: Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Director: Gareth Edwards
Writer: Gareth Edwards
Stars: Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able
Quality : BRRIP

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Monsters 2010 BRRiP | Cinema 21 : Six years ago NASA discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. A probe was launched to collect samples, but crashed upon re-entry over Central America. Soon after, new life form began to appear and half of Mexico was quarantined as an INFECTED ZONE. Today, the American and Mexican military still struggle to contain "the creatures"...... Our story begins when a US journalist agrees to escort a shaken tourist through the infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border

Middle Men 2009 BDRiP | Cinema 21

Title : Middle Men 2009 BDRiP
Size : 367 MB
Info : IMDB

Genres: Comedy | Crime | Drama
Director: George Gallo
Writers: George Gallo, Andy Weiss
Stars: Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi and Gabriel Macht
Quality : DVDRIP
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Middle Men 2009 BDRiP  | Cinema 21 : Chronicles Jack Harris, one of the pioneers of internet commerce, as he wrestles with his morals and struggles not to drown in a sea of conmen, mobsters, drug addicts, and pornstars.

Sacrifice 2010 DVDRiP | Cinema 21

Title : Sacrifice 2010 DVDRiP
Size : 416 MB
Info : IMDB
Genres: Drama | History
Director: Kaige Chen
Stars: Man Cheuk Chiu, Bingbing Fan and You Ge
Quality : DVDRIP

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Sacrifice 2010 DVDRiP  | Cinema 21 : Sacrifice (Orphan of Zhao Family): To save the only child of the Zhao Family, whose whole clan is massacred at the hands of a nefarious minister, a doctor sacrifices his own son, and later becomes intent on seeking vengeance against the minister after the child grows up. For generations, the Zhao family has wielded power, even extending over the king. In a well-planned coup, their mortal enemy TU'AN GU (Wang Xue Qi) slaughters the entire clan, determined to wipe out their influence forever. However, a solitary Zhao baby survives the massacre, and is hidden and taken home by CHENG YING (Ge You), the doctor who delivered him, to live with his WIFE (Hai Qing) and their own newborn baby. Set on revenge, and raising the Zhao child as his own, Cheng Ying bides his time, enrolling himself and the Zhao orphan (whom he calls Cheng Bo) into the service of the Tu'an Gu household. Tu' an Gu grows very fond of Cheng Bo and makes Cheng Bo his godson

Violent Blue 2011 DVDRIP | Cinema 21

Title : Violent Blue 2011 DVDRIP
Size : 550 MB
Genres: Drama
Info : IMDB

Director: Gregory Hatanaka
Writers: Gregory Hatanaka, Tony T.L. Young
Stars: Silvia Suvadova, Jesse Hlubik and Nick Mancuso
Quality : DVDRIP
Credit : by toniguns

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Violent Blue 2011 DVDRIP | Cinema 21 : Katarina is a music teacher obsessed with an unfinished symphony. She worries about her brother, Ondrej an introverted inventor whose financiers are reputedly shady and dangerous. Then one day, her ex-husband Pietro shows up in her house and locks her in a cage.

Suicide Girls Must Die! 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21

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Bomber 2009 DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Bomber 2009 DVDRip
Size : 350 MB
Info : IMDB

Genres: Comedy | Drama
Director: Paul Cotter
Writer: Paul Cotter
Stars: Shane Taylor, Benjamin Whitrow and Eileen Nicholas
Quality : DVDRIP
Credit : Ganool

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Bomber 2009 DVDRip | Cinema 21 : An 83 year-old man returns to Germany for a long planned journey of atonement. When Ross, his useless son agrees to drive him there, a nightmare family road trip ensues.

Due Date 2010 BDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Due Date 2010 BDRip
Info : IMDB
Genres: Comedy
Director: Todd Phillips
Writers: Alan R. Cohen, Alan Freedland
Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis and Michelle Monaghan
Quality : BDRIP

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Due Date 2010 BDRip | Cinema 21 : Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) must get to LA in five days to be at the birth of his firstborn. He is about to fly home from Atlanta when his luggage and wallet are sent to LA without him, and he is put on the "no-fly" list. Desperate to get home Peter is forced to accept the offer of Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis) to hitch a ride with him cross-country. Peter is about to go on the most terrifying and agonizing journey of his life.

Vampire Warriors 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Vampire Warriors 2010 DVDRip
Size : 400 MB
Info : Yesasia
Genre: Horror
Director: Dennis Law
Star : Yuen Wah, Chrissie Chau, Chin Siu Ho, Pinky Cheung, Jiang Lu Xia, Hung Yan Yan, A. Lin, Hailey C. ANNIE G, Dada Lo, Rachel Lam, Rock Ji
Quality : DVDRIP

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Vampire Warriors 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21 : The prolific filmmaker of cult favorites like Bad Blood and Womb Ghosts, Dennis Law takes it upon himself to reinvent and possibly resurrect the Hong Kong vampire flicks. While The Twins Effects demonstrated how to take a modern spin on the old horror sub-genre with stylish action and hot idols, Law's Vampire Warriors offers an intriguing mix of thrilling violence, jaw-dropping special effects, and outrageous comedy elements for a no-holds-barred campy fun ride. With Herman Yau on cinematography and Nicky Li on fight choreography, the over-the-top fantasy actioner stars Mainland action starlet Jiang Luxia (True Legend) opposite veteran kung fu actors Yuen Wah and Chin Siu Ho from the classic Mr. Vampire. Sexy model/actresses Chrissie Chau, A.Lin, DaDa Lo, and Rachel Lam are responsible for the eye-candy factor, with Pinky Cheung and Xiong Xinxin coming in for cameo appearances.
Ever since time immemorial, vampires have lurked in the shadow of the human world. Young vampire hunter Ya (Jiang Luxia) lives in a deserted slaughterhouse near a family of benign bloodsuckers Si (Chrissie Chau), Long (Chin Siu Ho), and Li (Rock Ji). The peace is ripped to pieces when a vicious vampire named Meng (Yuen Wah) emerges out of nowhere to slay his fellow vampires. Ya's sister Su (Pinky Cheung) and Si's friends Jia (DaDa Lo), Lin (A.Lin), and Bi (Rachel Lam) fall victim to Meng's fangs one by one. Unfortunately, no one is his match as he gets more powerful with every kill. In order to avenge her friends and rid the earth of this menace, Ya decides to sacrifice herself by asking Si to make her a vampire before the final showdown at the slaughterhouse...
The DVD version includes special features like making-of, trailers, and cast interviews.


Dated Released : 14 January 2011
Quality : DVDScr
Info :
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Nafisa Ali, Madhuri Bhattacharya, Emma Brown
Genre : Comedy | Drama
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Paramvir Singh (Sunny Deol) is a Non-resident Indian (NRI) living happily with his Canadian wife Mary (Emma Brown Garett) along with his two kids and his mother (Nafisa Ali) in Vancouver, Canada. Dharam (Dharmendra), is Paramvir's long lost dad who had left them by taking Gajodhar (Bobby Deol), Paramvir's younger brother with him to lead a criminal lifestyle. Once when his wife's sister and husband comes to visit them, his sister's husband who is Canadian, sees a picture of Dharam in their house. When Paramvir finds out that his father and brother are in Banaras, his mother sends him straight off to bring them back.

When Paramvir reaches Baranas, he meets his brother outside the Money Exchange office and finds that he is a con man just like his father. Paramvir tracks Gajodhar in a bar where he also meets his dad, Dharam, who refuses to acknowledge him as his son. After this Gajodhar comes there, and a jeweller (Johnny Lever) shows up aswell to take revenge on Gajodhar and Dharam for conning him. Paramvir backs them up, while Gajodhar goes on a date with Saheba (Kulraj Randhawa), a punjabi author. But when Saheba's brothers find out about her relationship with Gajodhar, they go violent and take Saheba with them back to Punjab. When Dharam sees that Gajodher is hopeless, he asks Paramvir to help, and acknowledges that he is his father but he shouldn't tell Gajodhar about that, after which Paramvir and Gajodher move to the Punjab to get back his love.



Dated Released : 8 October 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p x264-TWiZTED
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Max Thieriot, John Magaro, Denzel Whitaker
Genre : Thriller | Horror
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Riverton adalah kota yang tenteram dan damai. Tak ada yang mengira kalau kota kecil ini ternyata menyimpan masa lalu yang kelam. Tak ada orang yang ingin mengingat peristiwa mengerikan yang terjadi enam belas tahun yang lalu itu. Meski tak ada yang ingin mengingatnya, namun sepertinya kutukan telah menguasai kota kecil itu.

Enam belas tahun silam, penduduk kota berhasil menangkap seorang pembunuh berantai. Alih-alih menyerahkannya pada polisi, penduduk kota memilih membunuh pria ini. Legenda yang beredar, sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhir, sang pembunuh bersumpah akan kembali untuk mengambil nyawa tujuh orang bocah yang lahir malam itu. Tak ada yang percaya memang namun paling tidak mimpi buruk itu masih tetap menghantui Riverton.

Kini, enam belas tahun dari kejadian mengerikan itu, ada beberapa warga kota yang mulai menghilang. Tujuh bocah yang terlahir di malam mengerikan itu juga sudah mulai beranjak remaja. Mereka yakin kalau mereka punya kaitan dengan kejadian itu. Mereka yakin kalau sang pembunuh telah bereinkarnasi ke tubuh salah satu dari mereka. Atau sebenarnya malam itu sang pembunuh memang tak mati.



Dated Released : 25 November 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Runtime : 95 min
Starring : Katie Holmes, Anna Paquin, Josh Duhamel
Genre : Comedy | Drama | Romance
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Tujuh orang sahabat bertemu kembali setelah enam tahun tidak bertemu untuk memeriahkan pernikahan Lila (Anna Paquin) dan Tom (Josh Duhamel). Laura (Katie Holmes) yang dahulu pernah mencintai Tom hadir sebagai pendamping wanita. Sebuah drama cinta segitiga yang mengharuskan persahabatan dan cinta diuji sebelum pernikahan berlangsung

Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale 2010 DVDRip
Size : 400 MB
Genres: Family
Info : IMDB

Directors: John Dunson, Sean Dunson
Writers: Ryan Dean, Thomas R. Martin,
Stars: Sterling Knight, Ashlee Hewitt and Thomas Calabro
Qality : DVDRIP

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Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21 : Elle wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her dreams are cut short by the sudden death of her parents. She moves in with her adoptive uncle, who runs a small independent record label whose biggest act, Sensation, is also Elle's biggest pain. The pop music environment at the label, very different than the country roots she is used to, adds to Elle's feelings of loss and frustration, and her misplaced guilt, which is caused by the fact that her parents had been en route to her performance at the time of her death. But when she meets Ty Parker, a famous pop singer with a passion for "real" music, her repressed ambition is released through a revitalized interest in singing and songwriting

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tamara Drewe 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Tamara Drewe 2010 DVDRip
Size : 450 MB
Info : IMDB 
Genres: Comedy
Director: Stephen Frears
Writers: Moira Buffini, Posy Simmonds
Stars: Gemma Arterton, Luke Evans and Dominic Cooper
Quality : DVDRIP

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Tamara Drewe 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21 : Once the ugly duckling in the Dorset village of Ewedown, Tamara Drewe returns to sell her late mother's house, now a glamorous journalist with a life-changing nose job. She awakens feelings in sexy old flame, Andy, the decent odd job man at pretentious author Nicholas Hardiment's writers' school and in Nicholas himself, a serial philanderer who cheats on his loyal wife Beth. But Tamara has a new man in her life, Ben, an obnoxious rock drummer whose marriage proposal she accepts, to the dismay of local girl - and Ben's biggest fan - Jody. Jody's efforts to sabotage the engagement lead to Tamara, on the rebound and finding Andy in the arms of another, allowing Nicholas to have his wicked way with her, and also allowing it to be photographed and sent to a distraught Beth. Beth's secret admirer, American writer Glen, confronts Nicholas out in the fields, but Ben's dog Boss has got loose and has caused a local farmer's cattle to stampede towards them...

The Mechanic 2011 CAM | Cinema 21

Title : The Mechanic 2011 CAM
Size : 350MB
Info : IMDB
Genres: Action | Drama | Thriller
Director: Simon West
Writers: Richard Wenk, Lewis John Carlino
Stars: Jason Statham, Ben Foster and Donald Sutherland

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The Mechanic 2011 CAM | Cinema 21 : Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It's a job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor and close friend Harry (Donald Sutherland) is murdered, Bishop is anything but detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants those responsible dead. His mission grows complicated when Harry's son Steve (Ben Foster) approaches him with the same vengeful goal and a determination to learn Bishop's trade. Bishop has always acted alone but he can't turn his back on Harry's son. A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves.

Meteor Storm 2010.DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Meteor Storm 2010.DVDRip
Size : 350MB
Info : IMDB

Genres: Sci-Fi
Director: Tibor Takács
Writer: Peter Mohan
Stars: Michael Trucco, Kari Matchett and Kirsten Prout
Quaity : DVDRIP

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Meteor Storm 2010.DVDRip  | Cinema 21 : San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive meteors after a rogue comet orbits around the earth... For astronomer, Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event, soon turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the city of San Francisco.

Ghosts Don't Exist 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21

Title : Ghosts Don't Exist 2010 DVDRip
Size : 400 MB
Info : IMDB

Genres: Horror
Director: Eric Espejo
Writer: Eric Espejo
Stars: Phillip Roebuck, Devon Marie Burt and Joe Hansard
Quality : DVRIP

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Ghosts Don't Exist 2010 DVDRip | Cinema 21" A ghost hunter's final case before retiring leads him down a dark and potentially deadly path.

Gacy House 2010 DVDrip | Cinema 21

Title : Gacy House 2010 DVDrip
Size : 350Mb
Info : IMDB
Genres: Horror
Director: Anthony Fankhauser
Stars: Jim Lewis, Matthew Temple and Michael Gaglio
Quality : DVDRIP

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Dated Released : 1981
Quality : VCDRip
Sutradara: Sisworo Gautama
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Suzanna, Barry Prima, Ruth Pelupessy
Genre : Legenda | Horror | Mystic
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* Ekstrak filenya, caranya baca di sini



Kebahagiaan Alicia (Suzanna) dan Hendarto (Barry Prima) sebagai suami istri yang baru menikah, tidak berlangsung lama. Hendarto harus tugas ke luar negeri. Alicia, bekas pelacur, dimanfaatkan oleh para pria hidung belang. Perbuatan bejat ini dibantu oleh bekas germonya yang merasa rugi. Peristiwa itu membuat Alicia hamil dan sempat disidangkan untuk memperoleh keadilan. Hidup Alicia kemudian tetap murung karena kehamilannya itu. Ia meninggal dan menjadi hantu dengan punggung berlubang alias "sundel bolong", menurut kepercayaan masyarakat. Hantu ini kemudian membalas orang-orang yang pernah berbuat jahat padanya. Petualangan sang hantu berakhir ketika suaminya kembali dan tahu apa yang terjadi dengan istrinya. Sang hantu kembali ke kuburnya.


True Grit (2010) :Persistensi Seorang Gadis Belia

True Grit adalah drama kehidupan western yang diadaptasi dari novel karya Charles Portis - kisah ini diangkat kelayar lebar pertama kali oleh Henry Hathaway pada tahun 1969- karena mendapat sambutan yang sangat meriah (film in menggondol best pictures Golden Globe dimasa itu) - maka muncullah kisah yang hanya memfokuskan si karakter utama disini "Rooster Cogburn" enam tahun setelah itu yang dibintangi oleh John Wayne dan Katheryn Hepburn.Kisah koboy klasik ini pada akhirnya hendak diangkat kembali kelayar lebar oleh "Coen brothers" duo sutradara yang memiliki tingkat ciri khas dan seni yang mumpuni.Apa arti dari kata "true grit" itu sendiri?
True Grit saya artikan secara literal ialah orang/pribadi yang memiliki jiwa pembela kebenaran,pandai menggertak,tidak memiliki rasa takut sama sekali dan berani menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan.Disini kita melihat letak pribadi true grit itulah ada pada seorang Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges), salah seorang deputy Marshall (Pemburu bayaran)bermata satu yang dikenal kejam namun memiliki rasa keadilan tinggi.Namun aksi perburuannya banyak ditentang oleh keluarga korban yang ia bunuh secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja sehingga ia sempat berurusan dengan aparat hukum setempat.Pun karena tidak ada satupun lawyer yang bisa membuktikan tindakan dia yang ilegal, ia tidak bisa dijerat.Dikisahkan bahwa seorang gadis bernama Matie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld) mencari dirinya agar Cogburn bersedia memburu Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin) pria gelandangan dan juga dijuluki "A Coward" yang sudah membunuh sang ayah dan membawa kabur seekor kuda dan kepingan emas berharga miliknya. Matie Ross adalah gadis belia yang memiliki determinasi karakter yang tinggi,dibalik wajahnya yang polos punya percikan kemauan yang amat keras, dan bahkan secara terang terangan ingin menangkap Tom Chaney dan melihatnya digantung hidup hidup.Ia begitu persistens /giigih dalam mengatur segala daya dan upaya yang ia miliki seperti pengacara-untuk membentengi diri terhadap orang orang yang berurusan dengan kasus kematian ayahnya.Walaupun jauh jauh datang dan tinggal seorang diri dengan motif balas dendam dan makna balas dendam dipikiran kita terkadang tertumpu pada satu jenis saja- dendam Matie Ross lebih diperlihatkan atas "suatu penyangkalan bentuk kasih yang teramat besar dari sang ayah kepada Tom Chaney yang sudah banyak ditolong oleh sang ayah, namun pergi dengan keadaan mabuk dan membunuhnya tanpa rasa bersalah".Elemen ini sudah sejak detik detik awal dipertegas dengan tampilnya satu nats alkitab yang berbunyi "The wicked Flee When None Pursueth" artinya "orang fasik lari walaupun tidak ada yang mengejarnya".Atau bagi saya begini mengapa tiap orang melakukan kesalahan tidak mau meminta pengampunan dan memilih jalan yang terlihat bebas namun menerjalkan diri sendiri sebagai buronan liar.

Hubungan diantara Matie dan Cogburn pun akhirnya terjalin dengan baik- walau tampak dari ucapan ucapan yang dilontarkan dari mulut kedua orang ini sama sama keras kepala dan arogan -Matie yang belia pun akhirnya menjadi bossnya Cogburn.Aksi perburuan tersebut membawa mereka berdua berkenalan dengan seorang Texas Ranger bernama La Boeuf (Matt Damond) sosok polisi dari wilayah lain yang sudah lama mengincar Tom Chaney namun belum memiliki kesempatan untuk menangkapnya hidup hidup.La Boeuf adalah karakter yang juga keras kepala dan dia tidak mau seolah olah diperintah oleh Matie Ross sebagai sang boss, sehingga didalam perjalanan mereka kerap meninggalkan satu sama lain dan secara otoriter memburu Chaney.

Suasana perjalanan tersebut sangat mencekam, seperti menerobos kelaknatan dunia yang liar dan menjadi tempat bersarangnya buronan- dari sinilah muncul pembentukan karakter dari ketiga orang ini bahwa mereka melindungi satu sama lain-walaupun kerap gagal dalam berinteraksi- ada persahabatan yang begitu tulus hinggap diantara tiga karakter ini.

True Grit adalah gambaran wajah dunia western disana dengan se abrek kriminalitas yang tinggi sehingga disetiap wilayah di Amerika memiliki seorang sheriff bersama seorang deputy Marshall yang bebas beraksi dibukan wilayahnya.Coen Brothers menyajikannya dengan suatu kombinasi yang tampak begitu lekat dengan nada kerakyatan yang orisinil dan aspek gambar yang teduh dan religius.Coen Brothers dikenal dengan gaya penyutradaraan yang sangat memperhatikan sekali aspek gambar tadi sebagai media yang menerjemahkan aspek keagamaan-namun kita tetap menangkapnya dengan cara yang sederhana/tidak perlu berdaya pikir -dan tidak seperti menyimak karya Coen Brothers sebelumnya-yang begitu kental dengan gaya bernalar dan keanehan karakter yang ia pakai.

Inilah film Coen Brothers yang "boleh" dibilang berbeda dari segi tema/tone penyutradaraan /cara bertutur plot dibandingkan dengan karya karya sebelumnya.Ketika berfokus kepada bagaimana menerjemahkan nada klasik gambar gambar film ini, mereka tetaplah mempertahankan idealisme garapan mereka yang khas dan tetap berkwalitas.Sekali lagi mereka merekrut sinematographer terbaik didunia saat ini "Roger Deakins'' yang sangat memahami bagaimana memperlihatkan shoot yang mencekam dan real western era tersebut.True Grit versi Coen Brothers berhasil dari segala sisi dan berhasil mengangkat seorang Rooster Cogburn ke tengah tengah kita dan mengingatkan kita betapa legendarisnya karakter ini.

directed by Coen Brothers Cast Jeff Bridges Hailee Steinfled Josh Brolin Matt Damon Distributed By Paramount Runtime 110 Minutes Country USA Language English MPAA Rating PG-13
Moan And New Line Cinema Score


Dated Released : 26 September 2010
Quality : BRRip BREFiNED
Info :
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Keir Gilchrist, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts
Genre : Comedy | Drama
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Masa remaja adalah masa peralihan. Masa-masa ini juga yang sering menjadi momok buat para remaja yang mengalami kesulitan beradaptasi. Craig (Keir Gilchrist) tahu itu. Remaja berusia 16 tahun ini paham benar bahwa melewati masa remaja bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Karena beban ini pula Craig harus masuk panti rehabilitasi mental karena depresi yang ia derita.

Baru juga masuk, Craig mendapat kabar buruk bahwa bangsal untuk remaja ternyata sudah ditutup dan yang tersisa hanyalah bangsal untuk orang dewasa. Tak punya pilihan lain, terpaksa Craig masuk ke bangsal dewasa. Meski aneh namun nyatanya Craig berhasil menjalin persahabatan dengan salah seorang pasien yang bernama Bobby (Zach Galifianakis).

Bobby akhirnya menjadi guru, sahabat sekaligus pelindung Craig selama di sana. Tak lama kemudian Craig juga dekat dengan Noelle (Emma Roberts), pasien lain yang seumur dengan Craig. Seharusnya, Craig cuma tinggal selama lima hari di panti rehabilitasi ini namun belakangan Craig malah betah karena ia belajar banyak dari apa yang terjadi di panti rehabilitasi ini.



Dated Released : 1982
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : trailer
Starring : Ruth Pelupessi, W.D. Mochtar dan Fachrul Rozy
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Thanks to csr_roses

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Sejak meninggalnya istrinya, Munarto (WD Mochtar) dan kedua anaknya, Rita (Siska Karebety) dan Tommy (Fachrul Rozy) cukup terguncang. Lebih-lebih Tommy. Atas saran temannya ia lalu datang ke peramal, yang meramalkan kehancuran keluarganya. Sesuai saran peramal tadi, Tommy lalu belajar ilmu hitam lewat buku-buku. Munarto mendapat pembantu lewat sebuah biro. Bekerjalah di rumah itu Darmina (Ruth Pelupessy), yang dicurigai Tommy karena wajahnya persis peramal yang didatanginya. Rita dan Tommy lalu sering diganggu bayang-bayang menakutkan. Karto (HIM Damsjik), tukang kebun dirumah itu, mati gantung diri.

Herman (Simon Cader), pacar Rita, mati kecelakaan. Tommy yang insaf dan belajar sembahyang. Tommy dan Rita curiga pada Darmina, dan suatu malam Tommy mengikuti kepergian Darmina. Ternyata ia sedang berusaha membangkitkan jasad ibunya. Munarto tak percaya akan cerita anaknya. Darmina sendiri mulai curiga dan karena ia memang bermaksud menguasai harta tuannya, ia mulai melancarkan serangan habis-habisan lewat mayat-mayat hidup. Dalam keadaan kritis datang pertolongan seorang ulama (Doddy Sukma), maka kalahlah si pengabdi setan.