Title : Total Recall 1990 Bluray 720p
Size : 500 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100802/
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
IMDB Rating : 7.4
Date Realish : 1 June 1990 (USA)
Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside
Quality : Bluray 720p
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Douglas Quaid is haunted by a recurring dream about a journey to Mars. He hopes to find out more about this dream and buys a holiday at Rekall Inc. where they sell implanted memories. But something goes wrong with the memory implantation and he remembers being a secret agent fighting against the evil Mars administrator Cohaagen. Now the story really begins and it’s a rollercoaster ride until the massive end of the movie.
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