Title : A Christmas Wedding Tail 2011 BluRay 720p
Size : 700 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2024354/
Genre: Comedy
IMDB Rating : 5.4
Date Realish : 19 November 2011 (USA)
Stars: Jennie Garth, Brad Rowe and Tom Arnold
Quality : BluRay 720p
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Ektrak Dengan WINRAR
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Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4
Pass : cinema-31
Ektrak Dengan WINRAR
A Christmas Wedding Tail 2011 Thiller Youtube
AChristmas Wedding Tail is the story of a pair of passionate pooches, Labrador Rusty and Poodle Cheri, who fall head-over-tails in love. The two smitten pups conspire to get their respective owners, Susan and Jake to wed. Despite Susans and Jakes compatibility, their new blended family turns out to be more than Rusty and Cheri had bargained for. Now, the calculating canines must channel their pooch powers to keep their family from ending up in the dog house.
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