Go to TOERIFC now for all your sidebar banner shopping. The next selection, Boudu Saved from Drowning, directed by Jean Renoir, kicks off March 16th at Coosa Creek Cinema hosted by Rick Olson. The sidebar banners are now up and ready to be used, just follow the link provided above or this one here. There are twelve days still to go so there's still plenty of time to get a hold of it, through rental or sale, and join in the discussion on the 16th. You do not have to be a selecting member to join in the discussion, just someone who has seen the movie and wants to take part in the discussion. And to those who have e-mailed me about selecting movies, that can all be worked out shortly. At this point we have more than enough selecting members so I don't know how many more we will add since each member will want to choose a movie more than once every two years but for now we can probably add on a couple more, which we have already gotten e-mails for requesting spots.
So, basically, we welcome anyone who wants to join up and I'll be happy to put you on the TOERIFC sidebar as a discussing member but I think for now we're holding off on making anyone else a selecting member. For the time being. That may change in the future so keep checking back. Thanks.