Friday, July 31, 2009


Date Released : 2 April 2009
Quality : Good
Info :
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Starring : Tora Sudiro, Revalina S. Temat
Genre : Comedy

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Film Wakil Rakyat menceritakan perjalanan seorang pemuda sederhana bernama Bagyo (Tora Sudiro) untuk menjadi calon legislatif. Sebenarnya keterlibatan Bagyo di dunia politik tidak disengaja.

Suatu hari sekumpulan penjahat sedang merampok artis terkenal bernama Atika. Aksi perampokan tersebut digagalkan Bagyo dan menghajar para perampok tersebut hingga babak belur. Setelah itu Bagyo disanjung sebagai pahlawan. Ia dipuja-puji karena dianggap rela berkorban untuk menyelamatkan Atika yang tak berdaya. Kisah keberanian Bagyo pun menjadi berita besar. Namanya langsung jadi buah bibir di berbagai media nasional maupun daerah.

Ketenaran Bagyo tersebut kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh sebuah partai politik papan atas untuk menggaet dukungan massa dalam pemilihan legislatif. Bagyo yang terlena dengan statusnya sebagai figur publik menyambut tawaran partai tersebut. I

Perjalanan Bagyo di dunia politik pun penuh dengan rintangan. Bagyo lalu dikirim untuk berkampanye ke sebuah desa terpencil Wadasrejo yang rakyatnya hidup serba kekurangan. Di desa ini sosok Bagyo tidak dikenal sama sekali padahal Bagyo sangat tenar di ibukota.

Di desa init Bagyo menemukan kenyataan lain yang lebih penting daripada nama besar dan popularitas. Masyarakat desa lebih menghargai kejujuran dan ketulusan daripada kata-kata muluk yang diobral dalam sebuah kampanye politik.

Bagaimanakah perjalanan Bagyo selanjutnya???Apakah Bagyo berhasil menduduki jabatan sebagai anggota legislatif???


Date Released : 16 January 2004
Quality : Good
Info :
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Starring : Sang-woo Kwone, Jeong-jin Lee
Genre : Drama | Action
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The Wanderers: Geoffrey Lewis

Here at Cinema Styles I occasionally showcase what I refer to as a wanderer, an actor who goes from job to job, is constantly working and has no major lead role to his credit but at the same time isn't a supporting player with Oscars or recognition like a Thomas Mitchell or Thelma Ritter. These are the actors that don't get the credit they deserve for a lifetime of hard, consistent, quality work. Today is the birthday of one of those actors, Geoffrey Lewis. He's 74 today.

I'd like to write a brilliant essay on the talents of Geoffrey Lewis but all I can get out is that I love the guy. If you watched television or the movies in the seventies through the mid-eighties, you know Lewis. He was everywhere. I probably couldn't say with any accuracy when is the first time I saw him. He guested on The Rookies, Starsky and Hutch, Police Woman, Streets of San Francisco, Alice, Laverne and Shirley, The Six Million Dollar Man, McCloud, Hawaii Five-O and on and on and on. I could have seen him for the first time in any one of those shows and not known I was looking at future favorite Wanderer Geoffrey Lewis.

The first time I remember seeing him was in 1978's Every Which Way but Loose with Clint Eastwood. A good movie? Hardly. But Lewis stood out for me. That face and his almost defeated way of speaking, like the world had destroyed his dreams before the first word even came out of his mouth, stuck with me. I recognized him every time I saw him after that. The most notable occasion would probably be Salem's Lot. The rocking chair, the dirt covered clothes (from Danny Glick's grave) and the line, "Look at me, teacher. Loooook at me." This casting choice fascinated me. It fascinated me because I found Lewis to be so non-threatening as a vampire. I just assumed any vampire played by Lewis would eventually, and quickly, give up on trying to lure and kill human victims and just drink the blood from whatever dead animal he happened across. And in fact his quick exit out the window when confronted with opposition lent credence to this hypothesis. That's because Lewis excelled at playing the guy who's been beaten down by life. The undead life shouldn't be any different.

The Oscars are rarely held up by a cinephile as an actual measure of quality in filmmaking and yet there is a heavy air of legitimacy that hangs over them. An unfair sense of legitimacy that goes to a very few. Even though we can all admit the awards have little actual meaning it doesn't stop me from wishing sometimes that a lifetime achievement award would go to someone who, just once, was never nominated for anything in their career prior, never had a role bigger than a minor supporting role and never achieved name recognition beyond a few dedicated fans but achieved facial recognition the world over. Actors like Geoffrey Lewis, with over 200(!) credits on his IMDB page, who have never disappointed, never phoned it in and never stormed off a set.

Happy Birthday Geoffrey. It may not be an Oscar, but you're a Lifetime Achievement Wanderer as acknowledged by Cinema Styles. And you deserve it.


Date Released : 25 January 2002
Quality : DVDRip
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Starring : Mandy Moore, Shane West
Genre : Drama | Romance
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A Walk To Remember adalah kisah cinta remaja yang diangkat dari novel laris karya Nicholas Sparks. Bagaimana rasanya jika seseorang yang merubah kehidupan anda menemui ajal? Hal tragis inilah yang terjadi oleh Landon Carter (Shane West). Sutradara Adam Shankman mengadaptasi novel karya Nicholas Sparks ini sehingga menghasilkan sebuah film yang romantis dan sedih.

Landon beserta teman kelompoknya adalah salah satu gang yang terkenal di sekolah Beaufort, North Carolina. Mereka selalu melakukan hal-hal yang aneh dan tidak bermoral seperti bermabok-mabokan. Di sisi lain ada gadis bernama Jamie Sullivan yang memiliki sifat yang berbeda. Ia adalah seseorang pendiam, penyayang dan juga beragama. Ayahnya adalah seorang pendeta maka itu wajar jika sifatnya menuruni bapaknya.

Suatu malam Landon dan teman-temannya bermabuk-mabukan dan terjadilah kecelakaan akibat ulah mereka. Semua ini salah Landon karena ialah yang merencanakan dan memulai aktivitas mabok-mabokan. Maka itulah kepala sekolah memberikan dua hukuman berat yaitu mengajar kelas dan juga berpartisipasi di sebuah drama di sekolah. Hukuman inilah yang mempertemukan Landon dan Jamie. Mereka berdua masuk di pentas drama sekolah dan makin lama Landon jadi jatuh cinta terhadap Jamie karena ada keunikan tersendiri yang terdapat pada Jamie. Namun tidak terasa hal-hal yang indah itu hilang sekejap ketika Jamie menyatakan bahwa dirinya mederita penyakit Leukimia!


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Date Released : 25 December 1990
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Al Pacino, Diane Keaton
Genre : Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
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Link Terkait :
- The Godfather 1
- The Godfather 2

Dancing with the Stars, Vintage Style

Regular readers of these pages are probably aware of my predilection for old, archival photos and vintage artwork. There's not much technicolor on these pages and that's the way I like it. And right now, for whatever reason, I'd love to be here, at the Moving Picture Ball.

I'd ask you to name all the stars (you can click to enlarge the artwork) but I don't have a legend and they are drawn so badly I cannot even be sure of two or three of them. The rest I am fairly sure of as you most likely are too. I'd also like to ask you to join me at a Moving Picture Ball today but the stars involved would not be the ones I would want lighting the firmament so I'll just have to settle for dreams of time long since past.


Date Released : 7 July 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Lucy Lawless
Genre : Action | Crime | Thriller

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Date Released : 20 December 1974
Quality : Good
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Al Pacino, Robert De Niro
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller

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Link Terkait :
- The Godfather 1
- The Godfather 3

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Date Released : 24 March 1972
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Marlon Brando, Al Pacino
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
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Link Terkait :
- The Godfather 2
- The Godfather 3


Date Released : 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jonathan Bennett, Kristin Cavallari
Genre : Comedy

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Facing Up to the Future

Are blogs and websites dying? There was a time when a website or a blog stood for the height of instant gratification as well as self congratulatory satisfaction. A paper might take a day to cover a story but a website or blog could do it instantly. Still, it was just a different means of publishing. Film, book and music sites and blogs still went to the trouble, and still do, of writing entire reviews, articles and essays upon which the reader could kindly, or harshly, comment and converse. It was a different way to get the information out there but the information was still presented in essay length format.

Now there's Facebook and Twitter and the actual published content itself is changing. No more essays, just a few sentences, a link to a video, a picture. Twitter limits its users to 140 characters. Others will follow until surely a service will come along that allows only posts of single character emoticons. In the face of this heavily abridged competition how much longer can the the blogs and websites survive? My guess would be as long as Facebook and Twitter do. You see, to turn the phrase around a bit, I come not to bury Facebook but to praise it.

I am by most standards a technology hold-out. I love new technology and am fascinated by anything new that comes along and promises change but I always wait to join in. I still remember the lessons of my childhood as I watched friends and neighbors spend hundreds of 1970s dollars on Texas Instruments calculators that three years later cost only twelve bucks. Or VCRs in 1981 for 900 dollars that by 1984 cost around two hundred. Or computers. Okay, computers I couldn't wait on. I worked on them in the eighties in classrooms and at work and in 1992 finally decided I had to have one. I still remember the cost too. For a 420 megabyte hard drive (tip-top of the line in 1992 I'll have you know) with 4 megabytes of ram and a 386 processor I laid down $2400 dollars. Yep, two thousand four hundred dollars for something that my daughter's DSI could out-maneuver in two thirds of a nanosecond.

Yes the lessons of cost depreciation have stayed with me even as the new internet technologies increasingly come free of charge. It's not the price obviously that holds me back but the idea that the first folks in have to deal with the bugs, the screw-ups and the mindless "I have to be first with everything" blather hounds. And so it goes with Facebook. I held back, waited. Waited to make sure the kinks were worked out by everyone else and to make sure it wasn't just a flash in the pan I was going to devote time and energy to only to have abandon it all and start over somewhere else. When I was satisfied that Facebook was "settled in" so to speak, I joined. And I'm glad I did.

My visits and pageviews here at Cinema Styles haven't changed. If anything they continue to slowly increase. Same with The Invisible Edge although while I am at home with my daughter for one more week while she is not in camp it will continue to receive only one update a week. And my photo blog Unexplained Cinema, which I just recently redesigned for visual consistency, has really taken off and has even been featured on photo websites I am proud to say. So my blogs are doing just fine. Of course, there is a difference. The difference is that the conversations that go on in the comment section have shifted to a more suitable forum, Facebook, leaving the comment section for actual comments and conversation about the post itself. But that's not the biggest difference. The biggest difference is the freedom of having two different forums to post in depending on the subject.

There was a part of me that felt odd basing an entire post around a thought like, "I think this scene is brilliant" or "Wasn't this film underrated?". Facebook affords me that opportunity and the same opportunity for every other film blogger. Just yesterday Kim Morgan posted the dueling banjos scene from Deliverance and a terrific discussion followed centered around the film and several of its scenes. I myself put up a scene from Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid about a week ago and also enjoyed the conversation that followed. Facebook has also allowed me a place to post pictures that I don't necessarily want to devote an entire post to on Cinema Styles.

Aside from that there are elements of Facebook that amuse me to no end. One is the way comments are archived. Once a comment section exceeds four or five in number, Facebook publishes the comment the posting party made and the last one or two with a "view all comments" option in the middle. This has led to a favorite Facebook game of mine, the "What in the hell happened between comments 1 and 17?" game. You know, first someone posts a status update of "Greg thinks Chaplin's best work was CITY LIGHTS." Then the first comment says, "A true masterpiece but I think I prefer GOLD RUSH." Then there's the "view all comments" option. Then below that is comment 18 which says, "Exactly! That's why I will never eat an infected cow's heart again!" You don't know what happened between comment 1 and comment 18 and you almost don't want to spoil it by clicking on "view all comments."

Things I could do without on Facebook are the endless multitudes of mindless applications that apply to nothing useful at all, for me at least. But as a forum for quick thoughts on film and discussion of ideas I love it. I really do. Things have changed quite a bit since I started blogging back in early 2007 and I assume they will continue to change, to evolve, to endlessly move forward. I look forward to it. And I look forward to continuing the conversation on film in a forum that gives blogging a whole new face.


Date Released : 12 May 2006
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell, Emmy Rossum
Genre : Action | Adventure | Thriller
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Film yang menceritakan tentang sebuah kapal pesiar mewah bernama POSEIDON yang terbalik di tengah Samudera Atlantik setelah diterjang gelombang dasyat.

Kepanikan dan ketakutan pun melanda para penumpangnya. Mereka dihadapkan pada 2 pilihan antara pasrah menunggu maut, menanti bantuan datang atau nekat mencari jalan keluar sendiri meski harus mempertaruhkan nyawa. Kapten Kapal Michael Bradford (Andre Braugher) meminta kepada semua penumpang untuk tetap tinggal bersama di ruang konser sampai bantuan datang.

Namun Dylan Johns (Josh Lucas) mengambil resiko untuk mencari jalan keluar dan mengindahkan perintah Kapten Kapal. Dalam usahanya mencari jalan keluar Dylan ditemani Robert Ramsey (Kurt Russell), seorang mantan petugas pemadam kebakaran New York, yang berusaha menemukan puterinya Jennifer Ramsey (Emmy Rossum) dan tunangannya Christian (Mike Vogel). Di tengah perjalanan mereka bergabung dengan Lucky Larry (Kevin Dillon), Maggie James (Jacinda Barrett) dan putranya Connor James (Jimmy Bennett), seorang penumpang gelap Elena Gonzales (Mia Maestro) yang diselundupkan ke kapal pesiar dengan bantuan seorang pelayan POSEIDON, Marco (Freddy Rodriguez), dan Richard Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss).

Mereka bersama-sama berjuang bertahan di tengah kepingan-kepingan kapal yang tersisa yang makin sulit karena posisi kapal dalam keadaan terbalik. Tujuan mereka hanya satu, mencari jalan keluar. Di tengah kondisi kapal yang hancur dan lelah mereka harus terus melawan waktu untuk tetap bertahan hidup.

Akankah mereka selamat dari kurungan kapal Poseidon yang terbalik tersebut????

Monday, July 27, 2009


Date Released : 28 May 1999
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant
Genre : Comedy | Romance

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Sunday, July 26, 2009


Date Released : 2008
Quality : Good
Info :
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Starring : Jae Hee, Yoo Da-in
Genre : Action | Fantasy
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Date Released : 2 August 2007
Quality : Good
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Donnie Yen, Louis Koo
Genre : Action
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Flash Point bercerita tentang dua polisi detektif, Jun Ma (Donnie Yen) dan Wilson (Louis Koo). Jun Ma merupakan seorang yang mudah panas, tidak mengindahkan peraturan, dan suka bergerak impulsif. Sedangkan Wilson bertolak belakang dengan sifat rekannya tersebut. Perbedaan cara dalam menyelesaikan kasus-kasus yang mereka tangani, sering memicu pertengkaran antara keduanya.

Mereka berdua berusaha untuk menghancurkan sebuah kelompok pengedar obat-obatan, yang dipimpin oleh 3 bersaudara Tony (Collin Chou), Archer (Ray Lui), dan Tiger (Yu cXing).

Dalam aksinya, Wilson berhasil melakukan penyamaran dan masuk ke dalam kelompok tersebut. Namun saat terjadi pertempuran antara Jun dengan kelompok tersebut, penyamaran Wilson terkuak dan hampir saja terbunuh, namun Wilson harus menderita cacat seumur hidup. Dalam pertempuran tersebut Jun berhasil menangkap salah satu pimpinan kelompok tersebut yaitu Acher.

Apakah yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Apa yang akan dilakukan 2 pimpinan kelompok lainnya (Tony dan Tiger) setelah saudaranya, Acher tertangkap??? Dan bagaimana nasib Wilson yang akhirnya nanti menjadi saksi dalam persidangan Acher???


Date Released : 21 March 1997
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Cooper
Genre : Comedy | Fantasy
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Date Released : 2007
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Ling Bai
Genre : Sci-Fi
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Saturday, July 25, 2009


Date Released : 2003
Quality : Good
Info : -
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jang Nara, Park Jeong-cheol, Jang Hang-seon
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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Hey, Are You Old Enough to Work?

Jill St. John, born Jill Oppenheim, with mother Betty Lou Oppenheim, getting another work permit for Jill in April of 1958. In the bottom picture she emerges with permit in hand. She's good to work! That August she would turn 18 and never have to head to the Motion Picture Work Permit Office again. Thirteen years later at the age of 31 she would be the Bond girl, Tiffany Case, in the last official Sean Connery Bond movie, Diamonds are Forever. Next year she turns 70. That's right, Tiffany Case will be 70. God I feel old.


Date Released : 5 October 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe
Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller
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Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) adalah seorang agen CIA. Sejumlah kesuksesan pun pernah dia lakukan yaitu ketika membongkar jaringan teroris Timur Tengah. Kini Roger diberi tugas untuk memburu seorang anggota jaringan teroris Al- Saleem di Irak. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya tersebut, Roger merekrut penduduk lokal Irak untuk dijadikan rekan dalam setiap misi intelijennya. Meskipun diberikan kebebasan untuk menentukan keputusan saat bertugas di lapangan, Roger tetap diminta menjalin komunikasi yang intensif dengan atasannya, Ed Hoffman (Russel Crowe).

Hoffman kemudian menugasi Roger untuk beroperasi di Yordania. Menurut informasi yang diperoleh, Al-Saleem hidup di negeri Yordania. Roger pun dipromosikan menjadi kepala CIA untuk Yordania. Ia diminta untuk bekerjasama dengan badan intelijen Yordania untuk mendukung setiap operasinya.

Konflik mulai muncul ketika Hoffman membuat operasi intelijen sendiri tanpa sepengatahuan Roger. Kepala badan intelijen Yordania yang merasa dikhianati pun kecewa dengan Roger sehingga memutus kerjasama yang sudah terjalin dengan baik. Roger pun merasa dirinya seperti ditusuk dari belakang oleh atasannya yang selama ini ia percayai.

Bagaimana akhir dari perjalanan Roger???


Date Released : 7 January 1947
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : James Stewart, Donna Reed
Genre : Drama | Family | Fantasy | Romance

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