If you love high quality historical photographs beautifully transferred online and you haven't yet checked out Shorpy, the Hundred Year Old Photo Blog, do so now. All of these fantastic photographs came from Shorpy where you will find them unadorned and with larger original sizes.

The Casino Cinema in Amite City, LA, 1935.

Crossville, Tennessee, 1937.

Chicago, Il, 1941

Projection Booth in unknown Washington, DC theater, 1957.

The Roxy at 153 West 50th St., New York NY, 1932.
UPDATE: I have just discovered that the Library of Congress recently released thousands of photos on Flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/
Many of the same photos on Shorpy can also be found here plus many more as well.
A newly discovered favorite from the Library of Congress collection - San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 1941

As always, click to enlarge.