Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Dated Released : 1981
Quality : VCDRip
Durasi : 90 menit
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Dono, Kasino, Indro
Genre : Comedy
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Dono, Kasino, dan Indro mendengar berita hilangnya seorang anak melalui radio yang menawarkan hadiah untuk yang menemukan. Mereka bertiga tertarik dengan hadiah yang diberikan untuk menemukan anak yang hilang. Kemudian mereka mendatangi tempat yang dikeramatkan untuk mendapat petunjuk. Sang penunggu meminta syarat kepada mereka untuk mendatangkan orang-orang yang mau menerima kredit. Setelah berusaha untuk mendapatkan orang-orang yang mau menerima kredit, mereka menagih janji untuk mendapat petunjuk, tetapi mereka tidak dapat apa-apa hingga diketahui bahwa berita yang hilang hanya kesalahan, karena sang anak hanya bersembunyi dan dinyatakan hilang.


Dated Released : 28 May 2010
Quality : DVDrip-aXXo
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Laura Bailey, Spencer Gray, Zack Shada
Genre : Animation
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Space Chimps 2 follows Comet, the techno chimp who longs to be taken as a fully-fledged space chimp. Comet journeys to Planet Malgor where he bonds with the alien Kilowatt, and lives out his ultimate fantasy. However, it's time for Comet to prove himself when the feared alien ruler Zartog takes over Mission Control. Comet must show he has the right skills, and join fellow chimps Ham, Luna and Titan, to save the day. The original film saw a crew of resourceful chimpanzees blasted into outer space on a vital mission



Dated Released : 17 June 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Tika Panggabean, Indi Barends, Lukman Sardi
Genre : Comedy
Kredit to duasatucom

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RED COBEX, berkisah tentang gangster yang beranggotakan 5 orang ibu-ibu, Mama Ana (Tika Panggabean) dari Ambon, Tante Lisa (Indy Barends) dari Manado, Yu Halimah (Aida Nurmala) dari Tegal, Bo Bariah (Sarah Sechan) dari Madura dan Cik Meymey (Cut Mini), warga keturunan.

Jangan dikira dengan predikat seorang ibu-ibu, maka kelima perempuan ini hanya jago di dapur saja. Mereka bahkan cukup jago dalam membela kaum yang lemah. Bahkan mereka tidak segan mengeluarkan jurus-jurus berkelahi jika melihat orang-orang yang mengambil keuntungan dari bisnis kotor.

Suatu hari, geng Red Cobex ditemani dengan Yopie (Lukman Sardi), anak Mama Ana yang lugu, beraksi meringkus dan memberi pelajaran kepada para penjudi, para penjual DVD porno. Sayangnya mereka kebablasan, dan menggasak toko emas milik Pak Albert (Edo Kondologit), yang tak lain adalah mantan suami Mama Ana yang kini sudah menikah lagi.

Akibatnya geng Red Cobex ditangkap oleh polisi dan harus merasakan kehidupan di penjara, termasuk Yopie. Meski berada di penjara tak membuat patah semangat geng Red Cobex. Mama Ana yang hobi berkaraoke meminta sang anak, Yopie, yang sudah keluar dari penjara untuk membawakan VCD Player agar bisa berkaraoke bersama di penjara. Alhasil, penjara bukan jadi tempat yang membosankan lagi.

Sementara itu, Yopie yang sudah keluar penjara, tinggal menumpang di kediaman sahabatnya, Ramli (Irfan Hakim). Sayangnya kehadiran Yopie kurang mendapat sambutan oleh istri Ramli, Ipah (Shanty), perempuan asli betawi. Ipah menilai suaminya terlalu baik sehingga sampai menawarkan rumahnya yang kecil ini untuk sahabatnya secara gratis. Ipah pun mengultimatum Ramli, selama Yopie masih tinggal di rumah mereka, maka Ramli pun tidak akan mendapat nafkah batin dari Ipah.

Berkat nasehat dari Ramli, Yopie pun perlahan-lahan mulai menata hidupnya. Secara tak sengaja ia bertemu dengan Astuti (Revalina S Temat), yang dibantunya ketika dicopet. Lewat Astuti, Yopie pun bisa bekerja sebagai pelayan restoran. Astuti yang baik, akhirnya membuat Yopie jatuh cinta untuk pertama kalinya.

Tapi perjuangan cinta Yopie dan Astuti tidak selalu mulus. Dengan latar belakang pernah dipenjara, kedua orang tua Astuti kebera


The King of the Retro-Fit, or:Why I Hate George Lucas

I don't actively hate George Lucas. I don't even dislike him. But he gives me that "God, I hate that guy!" feeling enough times that I think subtitling a piece, "Why I Hate George Lucas" is perfectly acceptable. And right now I have that "God, I hate that guy!" feeling all over again. See, George is going to convert all six Star Wars films to 3-D for theatrical re-release starting in 2012. Maybe the world does end then, after all. And I'm not pissed because he's taking an overly expensive, screen-darkening trendy fad and giving it unneeded and unwarranted extra life, although that's bad enough. I'm pissed because movies, particularly popular effects movies, are being lost as artifacts of their time. Let me explain.

I love science fiction movies, primarily older science fiction movies from the fifties. I love Forbidden Planet and Earth vs. the Flying Saucers. I love The Day the Earth Stood Still and Invaders from Mars. I love The Incredible Shrinking Man, Them!, War of the Worlds and every other great or not so great sci-fi flick of the fifties and sixties and I even love At the Earth's Core and Logan's Run from the seventies too. And a part of why I love them is their lack of seamless perfection. I don't ever, EVER, want to see Doug McClure and Peter Cushing in a CGI-enhanced Earth Core drilling machine thingy. I want to always see them in that glorious throwback of a machine created for the original 1976 movie. I don't ever want the ants in Them! to look like honest-to-goodness real live ants, I want them to look like those big furry props that grab a hold of James Whitmore and don't let go. And, dammit, I want (and really would have fucking loved, George!) to have the original Star Wars Trilogy look the same from when I first saw them.

"But wait," you say, "Didn't they release (for a limited time) the original, unaltered films on DVD as part of a boxed set?"

Yes, they did and no, I didn't buy it because I cannot invest that kind of money in a box set. And it's not really what I mean anyway. What I mean is, despite being technically available, the original unaltered trilogy will never, ever be shown on cable or television again. All anyone is ever going to grow up seeing are the altered versions and that's a shame and a real loss. I understand the arguments for updating it to keep it going from generation to generation and keep the profits rolling in. I understand, I just don't care. I think it's important for people, film fans whether casual or hardcore, to enjoy a film for its place in history as well as for its technical specifications. When Gus Van Sant remade Psycho shot for shot in 1998, he proved, whether unwittingly or not, that a film does not just rise or fall dependent upon it's exacting technical content but upon when that content was originally done as well.

A film is a time-capsule and an archaeological object as well as a work of art. It is a piece of frozen time whose importance is, in the end, a lot more tied to historical significance than its bottom line. Watching an older movie takes me to another time in history and watching a movie I love takes me to the time in my life when I fell in love with it. Increasingly, all I see when I watch Star Wars (which, for these purposes is rhetorical because I don't watch it much these days) is a product that keeps getting a "New and Improved" sticker slapped on it. I'd love to say I've seen the trilogy and that's that but I know I haven't. I know that it will continue to be changed, most likely long after George Lucas' death, as he has probably already laid out in his will that the trilogy should be technologically updated in perpetuity with the requisite re-release for each new retro-fit. I wouldn't even be surprised if, eventually, it doesn't star Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher or Harrison Ford but rather whoever the big new stars are of the day, digitally inserted to keep the next generation interested.

My advice to everyone who wants to pass on the magic of Star Wars to their kids: Show them something else. Show them the great sci-fi of the fifties, sixties and seventies and the cheesy ones too. Show them Forbidden Planet and Planet of the Apes and Fantastic Voyage and Soylent Green and even Lucas' THX1138 and make sure you give them a healthy dose of Amicus while you're at it. Because it's those films that represent the true feel and time of the original trilogy, not that fleeting, ephemeral thing that's out there now that changes so much it's become impossible to ever actually see the final product. It's like Star Wars doesn't even exist anymore. It's a spirit, a phantom, but not necessarily a menace. More just a waste of time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dated Released : 1985
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Abdurachman Saleh, Ricca Rachim, W.D.Mochtar
Genre : Drama | Sejarah
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Sunan Gunung Jati alias Syarif Hidayatullah (Abdurachman Saleh) cucu Prabu Siliwangi sejak kecil bermukin di Mesir bersama orangtuanya. Ibunya berharap, agar ia bisa mengabdikan diri untuk syiar agama di tanah kelahirannya, Cirebon. Berbagai mujizat untuk menolong rakyat Cirebon dilakukannya, sambil meyakinkan adanya suatu kepercayaan pada Allah. Kemudian ia diangkat sebagai Tumenggung. Pada posisi ini ia terpaksa berhadapan dengan Raja Cakraningrat (Yan Bastian) dari kerajaan Galuh. Sunan tak mau lagi memberi upeti, perangpun terjadi. Sunan mendapat bantuan dari Sultan Demak, Trenggono. Karena Cakraningrat tak dapat dikalahkan, Sunan mengutus Nyimas Gandasari (Ricca Rachim) muridnya untuk mencuri jimat kesaktian Cakraningrat. Maka kesaktian Sunan mengakhiri perang.


Monday, September 27, 2010


Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Kiele Sanchez, Mia Kirshner, Diora Baird
Genre : Horror
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fter surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, Stella Olemaun relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.

Out of Movie Experiences

As I watch horror movies this month, and most of next month, in an effort to make sure I have plenty to write about for October, I find Cinema Styles sitting idle while it waits for October to arrive. I don't like it sitting idle but there it is. Of course, I'm rarely not thinking of movies so there's always something to write about, and yesterday, while watching Bob Roberts, I started thinking about things that take me out of a movie. Bob Roberts is a Tim Robbins mockumentary from 1992 about a populist candidate running for the senate in Pennsylvania who spouts the same nonsense populists always have and always will. That might make for an interesting discussion somewhere in the blogosphere but it doesn't really interest me. No, what really struck me was this: Every time Giancarlo Esposito was onscreen I was officially taken out of the movie. You see, Esposito does the impossible; he overacts in a mockumentary (or overacts in a way that's not as entertaining as Fred Willard). Everyone else in the movie talks and acts like a real person in front of a documentary crew but Esposito takes his Character Ticks and Mannerisms Machine and amps it up to around a million. I mean, it's off the fucking scale. As such, every time he showed up my suspension of disbelief ended and I started thinking things like, "I wonder if Robbins was pleased with this performance or hated it and kept struggling with Esposito to tone it down."

All of this then led me to wonder what else takes me out of movie. Not all, or possibly any of these, would take someone else out of a movie but for me, it happens every time.

1. The price of anything being stated. The exception to this is a period film where the price being stated is there to flesh out the place and time. Now, understand that, for whatever reason, I can watch a movie with 1950's cars and suits and designs and will nonetheless convince myself that it takes place in the present. So when I'm watching North by Northwest and Cary Grant's character is disputing a drunk driving charge and his mother, sick of him arguing about it, says, "Oh pay the two dollar fine," I'm like, "What?! Two dollars!!" Suddenly, the movie feels dated even though I already knew it took place in the "present" of 1959.

2. The year being stated. Again, the exception being a period piece where the exact year being stated is done so to set the scene. But again, for me, all other movies take place in the present, the present of that particular movie. A movie made in 1972 takes place in the present. A movie made now that takes place in 1972 is a period piece. Confused? So am I. So anyway, when I'm watching Vertigo (more Hitchcock) and I hear Kim Novak say she got her license in 1955 I'm surprised, momentarily. "That's like, 55 years ago!"

3. Mentioning another movie in your movie. Especially if I'm watching a crappy or average film and they start talking about a better film I just think how much better it would be to watch that other movie instead. Exceptions to this rule are Woody Allen mentioning the cast of The Godfather to Diane Keaton, a member of the cast of The Godfather, in Annie Hall, a great movie anyway so it doesn't matter. Also, Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley doubled over in laughter as they exit Platoon in The Naked Gun.

4. Celebrity Cameos, especially sports stars. They're usually so bad (see Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra and Roger Maris in That Touch of Mink) that it serves as a tonic to the wrongheaded notion that actors who "just play themselves" aren't really acting. Oh, yes they are!

5. Saying the title of the movie in big, bold letters. I understand if the title of the movie is someone's name, like Patton or Gloria but when the title's more elaborate I just know it's going to pop up at a poignant moment. It's why, for all its great qualities, They Shoot Horses, Don't They loses me right at the end, just when they really need me to stay connected. But I can't, you see, because I know and you know and everyone ever seeing the movie knows that when they ask Michael Sarrazin why he shot Jane Fonda, he's going to say... oh, you know what he's going to say, and that's the point. Had they titled the film, "Marathon" or "Dance, Dance, Dance" or anything else, then Sarrazin's final line would have immeasurable power but it doesn't because it's right there in the title (Actually, I just watched another movie that does both this and mentions another far superior film but I'm discussing it for a roundtable so I can't bring it up here just yet).

Well, that's it for now. I have plenty more little nit-picky things but won't waste your time listing them all. I'm sure you have several too, things that bother you but no one else. Obviously continuity problems take everyone out of a movie, or anachronisms, but I'm not talking about mistakes (like a plane being spotted in a movie set in 1743) I'm talking about a normal technique, like saying the date or having a cameo or saying the title, that in and of itself isn't wrong or intended to take you out of the movie but does. If you have any, let me know, but don't mention any other, better posts from other blogs that would take you out of this one, because that would just be rude. And all too easy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Dated Released : 1979
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Suzzanna, W.D. Mochtar, Teddy Purba
Genre : Horror
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Suasana meriah pernikahan Baedah dan Kohar tiba-tiba kacau. Pengantin putri histeris ketakutan, Reog yang ditanggap mengamuk. Atas inisiatif para tetua, dipanggil dukun untuk mengatasi kekacauan itu. Dukun mengatakan bahwa yang membuat guna-guna ada di barat. Pernyataan ini membuat Kohar berprasangka pada Murni, bekas pacarnya. Bersama penduduk lain rumah Murni dibakar, dan Murni dibuang ke jurang. Murni diselamatkan dukun teluh Gendon, yang sebenarnya jadi sumber onar. Murni yang pernah dinodai Kohar, dibujuk untuk balas dendam. Keadaan desa makin parah, sampai datang seorang pemuda taat beragama yang sudah lama mencari adiknya. Pemuda itu adalah kakak Murni.



Date Released : 14 June 2009
Quality : VCD
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Dewi Perssik, Andi Soraya, Restu Sinaga
Genre : Horror | Dewasa
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Asti memutuskan untuk memasang susuk setelah mengetahui suaminya Rako telah menikah lagi dengan Donna. Namun sang dukun menyarankan pada Asti bahwa susuk yang paling dasyat adalah susuk dari orang yang telah menunggal. Dan sang Dukun memberitahu bahwa Donna adalah salah satu pasien yang pernah memasang susuk padanya Tak lama kemudian Donna ditemukan tewas setelah terjatuh dari lantai delapan apartemennya. Asti pun segera meminta supirnya, Asmo , yang lugu, untuk mengambil susuk Donna.

Asmo bersama istrinya, Milah, yang matre, dan sahabatnya Zul, yang selalu mengambil keuntungan dalam setiap kesempatan, segera menggali makam Donna. Namun ternyata jenazah Donna telah menghilang. Konon kabarnya jasad siapapun yang masih memiliki susuk dibadannya, maka dia tidak akan diterima dialam baka dengan begitu saja, dan saat ini Donna gentayangan, mencari orang yang bisa melepaskan susuknya dan membalas dendam terhadap orang yang telah mendorong dirinya jatuh



Dated Released : 25 February 2011
Quality : -
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, Katy Mixon
Genre : Action | Thriller


Milton (Nicolas Cage) mungkin bukan orang baik-baik tapi bukan berarti Milton sudah bukan manusia lagi. Saat putri tersayangnya dalam keadaan terancam bahaya, Milton tak ragu-ragu untuk bertindak, meskipun nyawanya menjadi taruhan. Milton hanya punya satu tujuan. Ia harus menyelamatkan putrinya sebelum sebuah kelompok penyembah setan mengorbankan putrinya dalam ritual mereka.

Sebuah kelompok penyembah setan sengaja menculik putri Milton karena mereka yakin kalau putri Milton adalah kunci dari apa yang mereka cari. Dengan bayi ini, kelompok penyembah setan ini akan membuka gerbang neraka dan membuat kekacauan di seluruh dunia. Bayi ini harus dikorbankan tepat pada saat bulan purnama agar ritual mereka terlaksana.

Milton tak punya waktu banyak. Ia harus segera menemukan kelompok ini sebelum bulan purnama, atau putrinya akan jadi korban persembahan setan. Untungnya Milton tak sendiri. Ada Piper (Amber Heard) yang dengan suka rela membantu Milton. Sayangnya masalah Milton bukan hanya kelompok penyembah setan ini. Polisi ternyata masih memburu Milton sementara di saat yang sama, ada seorang pembunuh yang dikenal dengan nama The Accountant (William Fichtner. The Accountant juga punya misi menangkap Milton.


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Dated Released : 28 March 1997
Quality : DvDrip.x264-nhungong
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Chi Fai Chan
Genre : Action | Drama
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Pada mulanya Tian Yeung enggan, namun setelah didesak akhirnya setuju menduduki posisi bos besar geng Hung Hing. Baru saja Chiang Tian Yeung setuju, tiba-tiba kabar buruk tiba yaitu Dinosaur, ketua cabang Hung Hing di wilayah Tuen Mun yang merupakan saudara lelaki Hon Bun dibunuh. Kini pekerjaan pertama Tian Yeung sebagai bos besar Hing Hung baru adalah memutuskan pengganti Dinosaur sebagai ketua cabang Tuen Mun itu. Dua calon ketua yang bersaing memperebutkan posisi itu adalah sahabat karib Ho Nam, Chicken yang memang memiliki ambisi untuk meraih posisi tinggi dalam Hing Hung. Sedangkan saingan Chicken adalah mantan wakil Dinosaur yang merupakan orang kedua dalam cabang Tuen Mun itu, yaitu Barbarian (Chan Chi Fai).

Rupanya Barbarian memiliki beking yang tidak lain adalah Lui Yiu Yeung (Roy Cheung), ketua triad Tung Sing yang merupakan saingan Hung Hing. Dapat ditebak bahwa Lui Yiu Yeung adalah dalang pembunuhan Dinosaur yang hendak menghancurkan Hung Hing dari dalam dengan menciptakan perang saudara. Persaingan antara Chicken dan Barbarian makin sengit dalam perebutan jabatan ketua Tuen Mun itu, apalagi kedua belah pihak tidak mau mengalah. Ho Nam yang telah mengalami banyak kesedihan akibat keterlibatannya dalam Hung Hing pun berusaha menasehati Chicken agar melupakan posisi tersebut. Ho Nam tidak mau Chicken mengalami nasib yang seperti dialami Ho Nam. Namun nasehat tersebut tidak dihiraukan bahkan Chicken makin bertekad mendapatkan jabatan itu apapula resikonya. Tampaknya perpecahan yang akan menimbulkan pertumpahan darah tidak terhindarkan lagi.

Berhasilkah Chicken mencapai ambisinya itu sebagai ketua cabang Hing Hung ? Akankah rencana busuk Lui Yiu Yeung terlaksana sehingga terjadi kehancuran Hung Hing ?



Dated Released : 30 April 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jackie Earle Haley, Kyle Gallner, Rooney Mara
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller
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Sekelompok remaja pinggiran kota berbagi satu ikatan yang sama: mereka semua sedang dihantui oleh Freddy Krueger (Jackie Earle Haley, "Watchmen"), seorang pembunuh mengerikan yang memburu mereka dalam mimpi. Selama mereka tetap terjaga, mereka dapat saling melindungi satu sama lain ... tetapi ketika mereka tidur, tidak ada jalan keluar.


Friday, September 24, 2010


Date Released : 9 March 2007
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Gerard Butler, Lena Headey
Genre : Action | Fantasy | War
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Film ini diangkat dari novel karya Frank Miller. Bercerita tentang pertempuran kuno Thermopylae di abad ke enam, di mana Raja Leonidas (Gerard Butler) dan 300 tentaranya, berjuang mati-matian melawan Xerxes dan tentara Persianya yang jumlahnya ribuan.

Suatu ketika utusan dari Raja Persia mendatangi Sparta untuk meminta kesedian Sparta untuk menyerah dan tunduk. Raja Sparta serta merta menolak tawaran itu dan menyatakan bahwa dia dan rakyatnya tidak akan menyerah begitu saja tanpa perlawanan. Namun sikap Raja Leonidas ini tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh rakyatnya bahkan perwakilan para dewa-dewa nya.

Akhirnya Raja Leonidas memutuskan untuk menghadang pasukan Persia dengan 300 tentara Spartan pilihan. Ke 300 pasukan Spartan ini begitu tenang manghadapi musuh yang sangat banyak itu, hari demi hari mereka lewati dengan semangat juang mereka demi mempertahankan wilayah mereka.

Mampukah ke 300 Spartan ini membendung ribuan pasukan Persian tersebut ?


Dated Released : 7 July 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Braga
Genre : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Royce (Adrien Brody) adalah seorang pemburu. Sebagai seorang serdadu bayaran, belas kasihan adalah kata yang tak pernah ada dalam kamus Royce. Semakin tinggi kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup maka semakin tinggi pula kemungkinan untuk selamat. Tapi dalam kasus kali ini, Royce terpaksa harus mengubah pola pikirnya atau ia tak akan pernah selamat dari tempat asing yang kini jadi medan pertempurannya ini.

Royce adalah salah satu dari delapan orang yang diculik oleh Predator dan ditempatkan di sebuah planet dengan tujuan menjadi permainan buat bangsa alien yang dikenal sebagai Predator ini. Tujuh dari delapan orang ini adalah prajurit tangguh, mulai dari bandar narkoba, anggota Yakuza sampai pembunuh bayaran sementara salah satu dari mereka adalah seorang dokter yang jadi buronan FBI karena diduga telah membunuh beberapa orang.

Royce harus bisa menyatukan ketujuh orang ini untuk bisa selamat dari buruan para Predator. Di dalam perjalanan, Royce bertemu Noland (Laurence Fishburne) yang ternyata adalah salah satu orang yang diculik Predator bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dari Noland Royce tahu kalau sebenarnya mereka hanyalah permainan buat para Predator ini dan tak banyak orang yang berhasil selamat dari buruan Predator ini.



Dated Released : June 2010
Quality : BRRip [ViSiON] x264 [5.1CH] Jcberry526
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Val Kilmer, Dylan Neal, Paul McGillion
Genre : Horror | Thriller
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Dated Released : 12 November 1992
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Russell Crowe, Daniel P, Jacqueline McKenzie
Genre : Action | Drama
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Tentang sepak terjang segerombolan gelandangan Nazi-skinhead yang menghadapi berbagai tantangan atas nama jati diri gerombolannya. Dari mulai mencoba mempertahankan daerah kekuasaannya dari urbanisasi etnis china yang kala itu merambah kotanya, pengejaran dari aparat polisi karena tindak kriminal. Film ini menagndung banyak propaganda rasis Nazi dan karena film kontroversial inilah dahulu skinhead selalu diidentikkan dengan rasisme.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dated Released : 21 May 2010
Quality : BRRip [ViSiON] x264 [5.1CH]
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Charlotte Rampling, Rachel McDowall, Nichola B
Genre : Drama
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Nasib penari jalanan memang kadang sangat mengenaskan. Mereka punya bakat, hanya saja kadang kondisi tidak berpihak pada mereka. Di saat-saat seperti ini, hanya kompromi yang bisa menjadi jalan keluar. Dan itu juga yang dilakukan para penari jalanan ini saat mereka kehilangan tempat untuk berlatih.

Kompetisi tari jalanan semakin dekat namun Breaking Point masih belum menemukan tempat latihan. Peluang memang ada tapi untuk itu mereka harus berkompromi. Sebuah sekolah tari bersedia meminjamkan tempat latihan dengan imbalan, lima dari murid sekolah tari ini diizinkan ikut jadi bagian dari tim Breaking Point.

Tak punya pilihan, Breaking Point terpaksa menerima tawaran ini. Awalnya, tambahan personil ini sempat jadi masalah. Breaking Point terbiasa menari secara bebas sementara lima murid sekolah tari ini terbiasa dengan aturan baku pada tari balet. Perbedaan ini harus bisa mereka selesaikan, atau Breaking Point tak akan pernah bisa ikut berlaga di kompetisi tari jalanan.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Date Released : 10 May 2007
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Robert Carlyle, Catherine McCormack,
Genre : Action | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Film 28 Weeks Later bercerita, 28 minggu setelah kejadian di Film sebelumnya (28 Days Later), Kota London kembali aman setelah dibantu oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikat, Inggris berhasil melawan virus ini. Selama enam bulan virus tersebut mengganas dan membinasakan sebagian besar warga Inggris. Inggris pun kembali merekonstruksi negaranya. Penduduk yang selamat dari virus lalu masuk kembali ke kota London.

Sebagai gelombang pengungsi pertama yang masuk adalah Don (Robert Carlyle), dan teman wanitanya Scarlett (Rose Byrne). Sementara itu 2 anak Don yaitu Tammy dan Andy, dapat kembali dapat bertemu dengan ayahnya. Namun masalah kembali muncul ketika Tammy dan Andy mendapati bahwa ibunya Alice yang mereka kira sudah tewas, masih hidup. Karena Alice ternyata masih terifeksi. Tim dokter tidak sepakat, apakah Alice harus dibunuh atau diselamatkan. Sementara Alice sendiri mulai menularkan virus itu ke suaminya Don. Dan bencana itu kembali terjadi.


Dated Released : 2007
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Michael Madsen, Vinnie Jones, Richard C
Genre : Action | Drama
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Strength and Honour tells the story of an Irish-American boxer, Sean Kelleher (Michael Madsen), who accidentally kills his friend in the ring and promises his wife that he will never box again. However, years later, when he discovers that his only son is dying of the same hereditary heart disorder which has taken his wife, he is forced to break his promise in order to raise the substantial funds needed for the surgery that could save his son’s life.

Strength and Honour is a story of hope and love, sacrifice and devotion, set against the violent underground world of bare-knuckle boxing.



Dated Released : 23 Oktober 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Winky Wiryawan, Aida Nurmala, Aming Sughandi
Genre : Drama | Comedy
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Jika sebagian besar orang sangat menantikan pertandingan final Piala Dunia, tak demikian dengan Ahmad (Winky Wiryawan) dan Heru (Herjunot Ali). Mereka berdua malah keteteran dikejar penagih utang. Dua sahabat ini harus memutar otak, patungan demi melunasi utang.

Ahmad yang memiliki usaha desain T-shirt kecil-kecilan serta Heru, kasir di restoran franchise bakmi, dikejar oleh debt collector kiriman salah satu bandar judi bola terbesar di Jakarta setelah tim Jerman favorit mereka kalah. Mereka pun hanya diberi waktu hingga malam pertandingan final untuk melunasi utangnya.

Berbagai usaha mereka lakukan demi melunasi utang. Jalan terjal harus mereka tempuh. Heru dipecat oleh bosnya, Mieke (Aida Nurmala) dengan persetujuan ayahnya (Tarsan), sang pemilik restoran. Tak hanya itu, Ahmad dan Heru diusir dari kontrakan oleh ibu kos mereka (Aming), seorang waria yang disiplin menagih uang kos. Hidup Heru juga diperumit oleh kekasihnya yang masih SMA (Laura Basuki).

Bagaimana kisah dua sahabat ini menyelesaikan masalah demi masalah yang menerpa hidup mereka?


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Dated Released : 1988
Quality : VCDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Advent Bangun, Rani Soraya, Ricky Hosada
Genre : Action
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Si Mata Malaikat (Advent Bangun) telah tewas di tangan Barda Mandrawata alias Si Buta Dari Goa Hantu (Ricky Hosada) dalam kisah sebelumnya. Suatu malam kilat menyambar kuburannya, dan dengan kepala terpisah ia bangkit lagi sesuai dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya. Tubuh Si Mata Malaikat yang mencari kepalanya kemudian mengobrak-abrik sebuah perkampungan. Akhirnya ia mengetahui bahwa kepalanya dibawa Si Sapu Jagat (Dadeng Herang). Maka setelah berhasil mengalahkan Sapu Jagat dan menyandra anaknya, dia menyuruh istri Si Sapu Jagat, Marni (Rani Soraya) untuk mencari musuh bebuyutannya, Barda Mandrawata, agar kepalanya bisa kembali. Marni berguru pada seorang sakti bernama Guntur Saketi. Ia diberi ajian Jarum Seribu Halilintar yang harus dipraktekkan bersama muridnya, Darus (Peter Chan Lau). Dengan dibantu Darus dan dengan ilmu yang diperolehnya Marni harus bertempur untuk mengalahkan Si Mata Malaikat.



Date Released : 1 November 2002
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Alex Palmer, Bindu De Stoppani
Genre : Action | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Sebuah lab top secret diserang oleh beberapa aktivis pembela hak-hak hewan (animal right) dengan maksud untuk membebaskan simpanse-simpanse yang dijadikan bahan percobaan di lab tersebut. Namun mereka tidak menyadari bahwa simpanse-simpanse tersebut telah mengidap virus yang sangat berbahaya yang bernama Rage. Akhirnya virus tersebut menjangkiti manusia. Dalam 10 detik, manusia yang terinfeksi akan berubah menjadi zombie. Virus tersebut menyebar sangat cepat ke seluruh dunia dan membuat kelangsungan hidup manusia mejadi terancam.

28 hari kemudian, Jim(Cillian Murphy) terbangun dari koma panjang di sebuah rumah sakit di London, Jim kemudian menyadari bahwa kota London sudah menjadi kota mati. Kemudian dia bertemu dengan beberapa manusia yang belum terinfeksi. Suatu hari terdengar berita melalui siaran gelombang radio bahwa di kota Manchaster terdapat Armada militer dan fasilitas rumah sakit. Mereka pun sepakat untuk berusaha mencapai kota Menchester untuk meneruskan kelangsungan hidup mereka dan melawan virus itu.

Tetapi setelah sampai di Manchester, mereka tidak mendapati seperti yang mereka harapkan, Armada militer dan fasilitas rumah sakit yang dijanjikan ternyata omong kosong, dan mereka (survivor) harus berhadapan dengan sekelompok manusia-manusia yang bertabiat lebih buruk daripada para zombie .

Apakah mereka para survivor dapat bertahan hidup?

Monday, September 20, 2010


Dated Released : 4 June 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jonah Hill, Russell Brand, Rose Byrne
Genre : Comedy
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Aaron Green (Jonah Hill) punya satu ambisi: menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik. Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) juga punya misi. Ia ingin menemukan makna hidup sesungguhnya sekaligus merebut hati wanita yang sangat dicintainya. Bagaimana kalau dua orang ini harus bertemu dalam satu skenario yang harus berjalan mulus? Jawabnya pasti: kacau!

Aaron yang baru saja lulus kuliah dan bekerja di sebuah perusahaan rekaman ditugaskan untuk menjemput Aldous Snow, rocker aneh yang suka berbuat semaunya sendiri. Setelah itu, Aaron harus memastikan kalau Aldous bisa muncul di Greek Theater, Los Angeles untuk membuka tur panjang rocker ini. Aaron tak boleh gagal karena nilai tur panjang ini mencapai US$100 juta. Nyawa Aaron jadi taruhannya.

Celakanya, tugas ini jadi tak mudah karena Aldous bukanlah orang yang mudah diajak kerja sama. Bosan dengan kehidupannya sebagai pesohor, Aldous terobsesi mencari makna hidup sesungguhnya. Saat Aldous tahu kalau cinta sejatinya kini berada di Los Angeles, tanpa pikir panjang lagi Aldous pun berangkat ke Los Angeles. Kini Aaron harus berjuang mati-matian untuk membawa Aldous ke Greek Theater atau ia akan kehilangan pekerjaannya.


Coming Home To Tango

One thing that becomes apparent as you age is how differently you view events and art and relationships with the advance of each new year. What's thrilling to a five-year-old is dull to a fifteen-year-old. What's cool to a fifteen-year-old is idiotic to a 25-year-old. What's fascinating to a 25-year-old is old hat to a 35-year-old, and so on, with each additional decade changing and shaping our perception of the world around us. I, and perhaps many of you, have noticed this with movies, especially, in my case, in the last few years as I entered middle age.

Recently I watched Coming Home again for the first time since my teens. I was just barely entering my teens when it was released in 1978 and saw it in my still early teens a year or two later on cable. I have used that childhood viewing as my measuring stick for the film ever since and my negative, condescending dismissal of it was based on the views of a budding cinephile barely into his teens.

Another film I watched again recently was Last Tango in Paris. This was another film I first saw in my early teens and then, later, around 1988, had the pleasure to see it on the big screen at the AFI, which was, at that time, still headquartered in the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. I loved it and thought it not only immensely entertaining but deep, dark and profound.

I watched both of these films again recently by happenstance, scrolling, as I was, through the selections on Netflix Instant. As it turns out, both films deal directly with mid-life crises, one, an American widower living in Paris who has just lost his wife and the other, a military wife coping with being alone as her husband goes off to war. Paul (Marlon Brando), the character in Last Tango, finds a woman (Maria Schneider) he can fuck and frolic with in a neutral apartment under the condition that neither one ever finds out anything about the other one, including their names. Sally (Jane Fonda), the character in Coming Home, finds a paralyzed veteran, Luke (Jon Voight), with whom she connects on a personal level, the whole relationship being entirely dependant upon each one knowing everything about the other.

In watching the two back to back, several things struck me:

One, Coming Home, while no cinematic masterwork, is pretty damn good and no one should ever pass off any opinion as valid that they came to while anywhere in the vicinity of puberty. I shrivelled thinking of my smug kiss-off of this film at such a young age, a film dealing with a subject with which I had no sense of connection and that lack of connection, I arrogantly thought, didn't matter. I was under the impression, you see, at the wise old age of fourteen, that movies were objective beasts and could be judged according to a matrix of acting, directing, cinematography and writing that could be cut, divided and assigned numerical value. How stupid I was.

Two, Last Tango in Paris felt more juvenile than ever, mid-life crisis as seen through the eyes of a teenager. I realize neither Bernardo Bertalucci nor Marlon Brando were teenagers, but the film still has that feel. And that's precisely why I found it so good, so goddamn cool, as a teenager! Watching it now, at close to the same age as the Brando character, I found his behavior quite unintentionally funny, silly and stupid. His wife cheated on him and then up and died and what's he do? Find some Parisian girl and talks about reaching into the ass of death while she sticks her fingers up his ass. And, oh yeah, he also mentions a pig simultaneously fucking her and vomiting on her while she's doing this. Deep, deep stuff. Real heady, that there shit. And it's a load of shit I ate up in my teens and twenties.

Meanwhile, Sally and Luke connect sexually in a way so meaningful that I found it one of the most emotionally powerful sex scenes I've ever witnessed in a film. Coming Home chooses a different path than Tango, I realize that. It deals with the lost wandering of Sally by having her seek out, and find, an emotional connection with a fellow traveller and Tango has Paul seek out anonymity as escape from the problems of his life. One is a female character, the other is male. I understand both are going for vastly different things but my point is this: It's the handling of Coming Home's plot and characters that makes it feel real and grown-up, and the handling of Tango's plot that makes it feel phony and juvenile. Tango, with the exact same plot could have felt real and mature and Coming Home could have felt forced and childish. It's not the plot, it's how the writer, director and actors all chose to handle it. Brando's mumblings about butter and pig vomit make him sound like a kid doing his best to impersonate middle age angst while Fonda and Voight feel like the real thing.

In the end, it may just be the directorial approach. Bertolucci darts back and forth in his story from Schneider's tryst with Brando to her movie making adventure with her boyfriend, from Brando at the funeral parlor yelling at his dead wife to the apartment building he runs to commiserate with one of her lovers. It goes here, there and everywhere and Brando says a lot of funny, clever things along the way but none of it ever really adds up to anything. With Coming Home, on the other hand, Hal Ashby keeps the focus tightly on Fonda and Voight at the Veteran's Hospital where she volunteers to help paralyzed vets like Voight. There are other elements present but Ashby never lets them take over.

Since I know the tempting response will be one of disbelief ("You think Coming Home's better than Last Tango?! You're crazy!") I should reiterate that I'm not writing this piece in praise of Coming Home as a great film nor am I necessarily saying Last Tango is not. Just that, in dealing with a middle-aged adult's life in turmoil, one chose a path that felt real to me while the other did not. And that's a difference I never noticed, or could have noticed, until reaching a certain point in my own life. And so the obvious proves true once again: movie aren't objective beasts after all. Our perception of them changes and warps and distorts through time. But then, we already knew that didn't we?

As a final note, I'd be curious, if anyone cares to spill, what movies anyone else thought were bad or good, cool or dull, thrilling or indifferent at one age and then felt practically the opposite way at another.