Title : Dead West 2010 DVDRip
Size : 350 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1648062/
Genre: Action | Horror | Western
IMDB Rating : 5.8
Date Realish : 12 August 2011 (USA)
Stars: Angélica Celaya, Clint James and J. Lyle Johnson
Quality : DVDRip
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Dead West 2010 Thiller Youtube
The stage is set for terror when a new management team takes over a famous western theme park and film studio and transform their annual Halloween Fright Fest into a spectacular horror event for the tourists billed as “a truly horrifying descent into hell,” The climax of opening night is a thrilling excursion into the town’s “Lost Dutchman’s Cave,” which goes deep into the bowels of the earth, but a couple of park hands enter the cave and stumble upon an ancient burial urn which they accidentally break causing a horrific chain of events to take place and hell opens it’s gates!
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