Title : Yarisugi Companion To Atashi Monogatari 2011 DVDRip
Size : 300 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005268/
Genre: Action | Comedy
IMDB Rating : -
Date Realish : 2011
Stars: Maaya Morinaga, Emi Itô and Manami Marutaka
Quality : DVDRip
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Yarisugi Companion To Atashi Monogatari 2011 Youtube
A live-action movie based on Hiramoto Akira’s gag manga “Yarisugi Companion to Atashi Monogatari” has just been announced.
The manga was originally serialized in Kodansha’s Young Magazine in 2007-2008, and it finished with one completed volume. The story is set in a hot-spring town, where a young girl named Yarisu has started working as a companion. It follows the comical misadventures of Yarisu, who is prone to overdoing her job, and a more reliable companion named Shizuka.
Gravure idols Morinaga Maaya (19) and Marutaka Manami (20) will play Yarisu and Shizuka, respectively. Idols Ito Emi (27) and Tani Momoko (26) have also been cast.
Enjoy Download Movie Kentut 2011