... and Jane's sleeping cool. Whew, that's a relief. I was afraid she might get all sweaty on us.
So I've got this inflation calculator on my computer that you can plug any year and price into and it gives you the average rise in inflation for each year forward. Yes, yes I know, I'm a geek. Anyway this unit in 1952 is advertised at $229.95. Know what that is in 2008 dollars? $1,284.80. Damn(!) window units were expensive back then. I've got a window unit I got last year for seventy bucks!
So Spring Break is winding down here which means soon the kids will be back in school and I might be able to actually watch some movies and get something written here. Thank God! I feel like I've been going through withdrawal. In the meantime I did manage to finally get my third blog underway: Toys of Desperation. Since I'm a scanning obsessive and have tons and tons of vintage ads scanned from old magazines I decided to start putting them up publicly, one a day. If you stop by Toys you'll see the five for last week. I won't put any up on the weekends and have comments disabled because they're just there to view. As always, Synchfish will remain my lazy blog, that is to say, YouTube snags, links and whatever the hell I feel like posting. And of course any vintage ads I put up on Synchfish will go there first before going up on Toys so we can make fun of them.
And now I can finally start doing some work on my video posts. Ah, it's an exciting time to be a Cinema Styles poster. And oh yeah, one last thing: Go visit Arbogast to see my guest post for him on The Cat and The Canary. But don't bust his stones over his post labels. He's a little touchy about that.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Jose's sleeping cool too.