Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Film Club is Up and Running

Okay, we're off and running. The site is up for the club and its links. Each time one of the members selects a movie, please let me know and I will update it. This is how it works: The site will be the one-stop place for knowing who has picked what movie and when it will be discussed. I have a list on the site for everyone who has signed on so far and Marilyn and I have our selections up as well as the dates of our posts. For now, the links are to the blogs in general but once each blogger puts up the post the link will change to that post specifically. Here is the site itself.

Also, once my post goes up in February it will move to the top and Marilyn to the bottom. In March, Rick goes to the top and I rotate down to the bottom and so on. The list will stay up permanently so that anyone just signing on, say, ten months from now will still be able to go directly to a previous discussion if they choose.

One last thing. To give everyone plenty of time try and let me know your pick around six weeks ahead of time. Thanks.


At the bottom of the first post and just below it in a second post there are sidebar buttons/widgets that you can put in your sidebar. For those who don't want a big banner in their sidebar, choose one of the simple buttons at the bottom. Just link them back to the main site and you're good to go. If you don't know how to do that I'll be happy to help. Thanks again everyone.