Saturday, December 6, 2008

Name that Movie 9

Name that Movie 9 is up, complete with audio track. Put your answers in the comment section. And no one go nuclear if someone guesses before you. I think a non-proliferation of jealous comments is always the path to peace. Good luck!


Okay, except for my first ever clip when no one was quite sure there was a game going on this is the longest one has gone without being guessed. So let me provide a clue. The clues will start out general and if still no one gets it they will become very specific until I reveal pretty much everything but the title. So here's the first general clue:

The weapons that these people are protesting set the plot of the movie in motion. That should do it I think. Someone could probably google that and come up with it. I'll find out in the morning if anyone did. Happy Googling!