... we'll be waiting for you.
There's just something so very, very wrong about a poster for a film noir where the woman looks like one of Jack Tripper's sexual triumphs (did he have any?) on Three's Company. From the 1978 remake of The Big Sleep with Robert Mitchum and Sarah Miles. I haven't actually seen it since I was but a youngin' and at that time the look probably didn't strike me as odd but now it stands out. Of course, Altman's The Long Goodbye revels in the seventies look but I consider that film a masterpiece, not only of filmmaking in general but of noir re-invention as well. Go figure.
And the reason I'm posting this is because I stopped by Adam Ross' DVD Panache and read this terrific post, The Blog Sleep, on the demise of movie bloggers. Now if you are growing weary of reading about the state of film blogging I should tell you that you need not worry - Adam writes the post in the fashion of the pulp fiction dime novel with a surpise ending. It's an enjoyable read even if he doesn't make me look too good in it - I appear to be one of the underworld characters but then so is Dennis so I guess I'm in good company. Hope I didn't spoil anything with that. Nah, I didn't, trust me.
Hey wait a minute. Underworld character? Damn you Ross! I'll get you for this.