I ran this photo of Fred Astaire and his sister, Adele, back in December but figured now would be a good time to run it again (what with a danceathon going on and his birthday coming up and all). Unfortunately I am not at home right now so I don't have the book from which I scanned it in front of me and can't for the life of me remember who the photographer is or what the year was in which the photo was taken. It's an entire book of just this photographer's work. I'll update it later. And I didn't mention it in my original posting of it so that didn't help either.
Fred and Adele danced as a team for 25 years (starting when Fred was only seven). In 1932 she went off to England and married a British Lord. He went to Hollywood when the team split and had a career in the movies. I think. I can't remember exactly.
This has been a part of the Ferdy on Films Invitation to the Dance Blogathon.