And no it's not Madonna or Marlo Thomas. I'll be busy for the rest of the day preparing for the Bacchanalian celebration that is Little Miss Milkshake's seventh birthday. In the meantime, here's a star of the thirties. She was a singer, a dancer and an actress. One of her first successes was a musical revue that had a name later used by a famous English punk band (mild punk with reggae and rockabilly influences) for their most prominent album.
Anyone know who it is? Readers in the states might have a difficult time but I think readers from across the pond will find the face more familiar. Scanned from that plentiful source of scans here at Cinema Styles, John Kobal's Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance (1974).
***** UPDATE *****

Yes, it's Jessie Matthews, star of First A Girl (1935), the first remake of Viktor und Viktoria(1933). I don't have time to elaborate on some of the great stories about her told in the book but suffice it to say she was, as John Kobal says, "never coy."
Thanks to Marilyn for coming up with the answer. And by the way, one of her first successes was in Noel Coward's London Calling, also the title of The Clash album in 1979.