That's the world of blogging to me, to borrow a phrase. I try to add my little chips to it but it's huge and sometimes can feel so overwhelming I find myself struggling for survival like John T. Ungar trying to keep himself alive in the unsurveyed hills of Montana. There is much to be done and much that is being done.
There are two upcoming Blogathons that I will be participating in that I am very excited about. One is the Invitation to the Dance Blogathon hosted by Marilyn Ferdinand at Ferdy on Films, Etc. I have my posts all ready to go with clips in tow. As with all blogathons there is an apprehension on my part that my entry will be duplicated by several others. You think, "I don't want to do something too obvious but if I go for cutting edge, how many others will too?" It's the same feeling you get when you're stuck in traffic and think, "A-Ha! I'll turn down this little known sideroad and run end-around everyone!" Then you turn and realize 17,346 other drivers had the same thought.
It's one of the reasons I never know when to post in a blogathon. Should I do it the second it begins so I'm out there first or should I wait a few days and see where everyone's going with it? I must be the only blogger on Earth that actually gets anxious about Blogathons. I can't even imagine hosting one.
The other blogathon will be Cerebral Mastication's Indiana Jones Blogathon from May 16 - 23, hosted by Ali Ariken, CM's Blogger and frequent Scanners and House commenter. This one is a little different for me for one big reason. This blogathon is centered around the release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and I am probably one of the few cinephiles who is not looking forward to its release. I know that plenty are and I know that plenty found the trailer exhilarating but I did not. I loved the opening where Jones is introduced with his silhouette against the car as he puts on his hat. And then it took on the look of CGI cutscenes from the latest PS3 game and my heart sunk. It looked too hyper kinetic, too rushed, too fake, too... 2008. But that's the great thing about a blogathon. I get to write about the Jones character, or serials of the thirties, or my favorite adventure movie and how it relates. I don't have to write about The Legend of the Crystal Skull for which I am grateful. However, I should make it clear that I am holding out hope that it will be a fun time at the movies, although nothing could match the experience I had as a young lad seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark in the theatre upon its release. Still, I've got hope. It's just that with the trailer and the fact that I fear Spielberg's heart wasn't in it (just a sneaking suspicion that he did this more for Lucas and Ford than himself, having devoted more time to less action oriented projects lately) my hope is quite thin and dangling by a thread.
As for me nothing's different here although I am dividing up my time creatively lately (another reason I had to streamline things with my blogging). I'm working on a couple of films right now. One centers around movement in film and is very time consuming but thoroughly enjoyable to do. I had hoped to have it ready for the Dancethon but it will take at least another month. At least. The other is a fiction piece that you probably won't see at all because it would require putting myself in front of everyone in connection with this blog and that's not something I'm willing to do yet. But for those who know what name to search on YouTube, hopefully it will be fully edited with music compositions added and up by the end of summer. As for video posts here I haven't forgotten about them, I just haven't had a performance or actor that I've felt like doing recently but when I do, it will be video post, as promised.
So that's my biweekly Monday update. And if you live in Pennsylvania (and it seems like an inordinate amount of movie bloggers do) be sure and vote tomorrow in the primary. Everyone will be watching. Everyone.