Saturday, January 10, 2009

Name That Movie 18

It's Name That Movie time, for the eighteenth time. Is it the last time as well? For this particular game I mean (NTM is recurring so each time there's a winner, everyone goes back to zero, and it all starts over). Arbogast has nine points and the first to ten wins. When I started this I figured it would be close throughout. I never expected one person would get so many right. All this could be a moot point if Arbo doesn't get this one but if he does I think I'll try to make future NTM's themed, as in all foreign, all silent, all thirties and so on. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Number 18 is now up in the sidebar. Go at it and good luck.


Peter Nellhaus got it. The answer is in the comment section but if you don't want to know then watch the video and see if you can still guess it. I'll keep it in the sidebar for a couple of hours and then around 2:00 p.m. the Bonus Round goes up. Good luck.